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Topics - elm

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I would like to buy a server to send and grab data from. Anyone know, let me know thanks.

Modification Help / How to format/indent your code properly.
« on: April 18, 2012, 12:36:19 AM »
Hello, I'm going to teach you how to properly format your code, using the style i prefer, Allman style (See more styles here

•Every bracket should have it's own line.
•Indent after each bracket.

First things first, everything inside of an open bracket, before the closing bracket should be indented (press tab once). Look at the example below.

Now, let's throw a couple more brackets in there by using an if statement.

Finally, if you ever forget how to indent, or need help, just know, indent after each bracket. Here is a little model of how indenting works.

Any questions/concerns just drop a post!

Modification Help / How to use trace
« on: April 15, 2012, 10:15:43 PM »
What Is Trace?

Use the trace function to enable (or disable) function call tracing. If enabled, tracing will print a message every time a function is entered, showing what arguments it received, and it will print a message every time a function is exited, showing the return value (or last value of last statement) for that function.

Trace(enable); enable – A boolean value. If set to true, tracing is enabled, otherwise it is disabled. (trace(1); or trace(0);)

No return value.

Definition from Garage Games.

Example 1

Now you may be thinking, "Elm, I still don't know what to do!". Well let me show you a few examples below.

Now let's say we want to know what happens when a player jumps. Well, start up a server and enable tracing, jump, then disable it really fast. Now open up your console and you should see a lot of junk, scroll up till you see "Entering Jump(1)", it should look like so:

Everything having to do with jump I highlighted, and I will explain to you below.

So since we are the host, we can see server sided things going on. The server sided function that gets called on when a player jumps is armor::onTrigger. Not going to go too much into detail on what it does, how it works, etc.

The client sided function that gets called as you can see is Jump(boolean). You can see what arguments it takes and what it returns;

Example 2

Let's try another example, moving forward! So what happens when we move forward? I'll show you. Once again, be at your own server (don't have to be, but it makes looking through your console a bit easier), enable tracing, move forward a bit, then disable it quickly.

Now you should see a lot of stuff again which will look somewhat like this:

Notice the selected area:

That is the function that gets called, the arguments it took, and what it returned when you moved forward.


When tracing certain functions, there may be a lot of stuff that goes on between the entering of the function and the leaving of the function so try and know what you are looking for.

I wrote this because there are a lot of questions users ask that if they knew how to trace, they could answer themselves. Any questions or concerns, drop a message below.

Modification Help / Bot Warriors [Alpha]
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:57:18 PM »
Needs better logo if anyone wants to make one for me.

Bot Warriors is a turn based fighting game, where you train your bots, earn levels which in turn, gives you skill points you can use. The current skills you can use them on is, health, strength and defense.

Future updates will include weapons, potions, a currency system or betting system, armor, character customization and a tournament type thing held on weekends.

This post is pretty blank right now, just started working on this. You can track the progress of Bot Warriors on my website, which you can get to from here, but I can't post a link.

If you can join my server, and leave some suggestions here on this topic that would be great! If not, well I hope you can later.

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