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Messages - Captain Zee

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General Discussion / Re: Likes/dislikes in dogfights
« on: September 12, 2015, 11:09:13 PM »
Add some height to the map. Make it so we have to fly around something other than other planes.

I do think this whole switchover is a bit unfair, used to be that you could watch regular TV or upgrade to cable, now, once you buy a TV it's useless until you subscribe to a corporation and pay extra to use a product that you already bought.

Digital TV antenna's are basically modern rabbit ears/aerials. There's no subscription service required for them, they still pick up from your local stations, and hook straight up to a TV. The stations are still operating, its just a change in method of delivery.

Off Topic / Re: zee or zed: the great debate topicā„¢
« on: July 13, 2015, 05:51:54 PM »
Do I have to spell it out for you... :^)

Games / Re: Elite: Dangerous 1.3 - Powerplay
« on: June 07, 2015, 05:45:59 PM »
As I said, that was my personal experience. Winters is all about supplying and fortifying via trade, which was what I was already doing well with.

adding you in a second. alicia winters, huh? i may be joining president hudson, so i may see you out in the field sometime.

Games / Re: Elite: Dangerous 1.3 - Powerplay
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:06:03 PM »
What should I choose from?
And how does it even work.

Been playing it for a while now, and I think I figured it out. Just go over the different factions in the selection list and read over their Ethos (morals) and stats, and finding one that best fits you. Then hit the pledge button, but take your time. There are penalties for defecting. Pledging with certain powers will affect the way other powers respond to you, from simply taxing you a bit more, to all out shooting you out of space if you approach one of their stations. So read over each factions Ethos and stats very carefully.

After that, its down to these three factors: Preparation, Expansion, and Control. Preparation and Expansion work the same way; gather Propaganda for Preparation, and/or Aid for Expansion from controlled sectors or faction headquarters, and take them to a system that is being prepared for the Power, or being expanded to by the Power, depending on what you want to do. Control works sort of the same way with Packages, but those can only be picked up from the Powers headquarters.

Credits-wise, you don't get alot. You mostly get Merits, which are for ranking up in your Power. Ranking up in your power has rewards, such as weekly credit bonuses, ability to vote on what system your faction should prepare, expand to, or control, and other things I forgot about.

The other part of that is stopping any other faction from delivering Aid, Propaganda, or Packages to their systems, although I'm not sure how this works.

That's my experience. Anyway, add me to da list plis: CMDR Zane Jay Zee, pledged to Alicia Winters.

PS: Oh, and there is no requirement to join a Power, and you can remain independent if you want.

Games / Re: My very first game!
« on: March 12, 2015, 11:35:46 PM »
I'm sure it's placeholder, but the grass/ground texture should definately change.

Otherwise, I'm lovin' the pics!

Games / Re: My very first game!
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:43:43 PM »
they could be really hardcore little cars

race your friends in very small cars

they prefer to be called midget cars, tribals

Off Topic / Re: Why are EMP generators so expensive?
« on: March 10, 2015, 10:14:38 PM »
i think it would be more worthwhile to just buy a taser and use that on electronics

Or if that's too powerful, a cattle prod. If you look the part of a farm-boy they might not age check you.

Off Topic / Re: Car thread
« on: March 08, 2015, 07:06:01 PM »

Wanted to post this here for a while now, but anxiety and bad camera skills kept me from doing so.

I don't know what it is about big lux cars I like so much, being raised in an era where even employed limo drivers get condescending stares from Prius and cigarettegio owners. The very first car I owned was a '97 Lincoln Town Car as a "graduation" gift, until I wrecked it out in Seattle. Managed to limp it back to the ranch, but needed to trade (what was left of it) for a truck  for obvious reasons. All I can remember of that truck is that it was an '89 Ford, longbox, but I can't remember if it was a F150 or F250. Then I learned always to check to make sure to put the oil cap back on after changing the oil. Later managed to talk my parents into paying for the other half of a 2004 Chrysler Sebring to deliver pizza's in.

It was on one delivery that I saw this parked outside a casino with a "For Sale by Owner" sign in it.

The shine of the bumper and condition of the paint caught me WAY before those protruding blinkers did. A '75 Ford Galaxie 500. I later called the guy who owned it and met him in the previously mentioned casino. He started it up, it spat some blue smoke, but I thought that was from it sitting for so long. But the engine started right up, no clicking or rattling, sound was well muffled, but you could still here the power. The interior was sundamaged beyond repair, still needs to be entirely ripped out and replaced. Surprisingly, the old AM-only radio still works. After driving around the parking lot for a while, I asked him, "What do you want for it?". $500

It's smooth ride, easy shifting (for an automatic), white-wall tires, and having all 4 original rims still on and intact, it was all too easy for me to silence that voice in my head that screamed, "SOMETHING IS WRONG!!!"

And indeed, after delivering pizza's in it (anyone with a with a smartcar in their driveway promptly stopped tipping) for about a month, she gave out on the trip home one night. Was able to push it to a local gas station, where it was towed from the next morning. Worn out timing sprocket. The shop it was towed to was a farm town shop, the only shops that still work on old stuff like this, and they only charged about $650 for the repair, at a surprising $65/hr! Never had a problem other that small stuff after that. But it was here that I learned that the blue smoke coming out on ignition was due to corroded "valve-stem caps," which the oil gunks up on when the car isn't running. To fix those would be another $600, which I wasn't willing to spare at the time. Anyway's, as long as I kept feeding her (thick) oil, she'll do for now.

After that it was the starter, which was a quick roll up some ramps to do myself. The leak in the radiator was rescued by JBWeld, a worn bearing on the front was replaced with some needle-nose pliers, and the rest were some corroded wires. Step-by-step, I was going to save this car. Then stuff happened.

After a clusterforget of bad choices, cold weather, family dividing decisions, and rent prices too complicated for you to care me to go into, I ended up making the choice to move from home in the foothills of MT down to the Ozarks of MO through Denver, CO... yeah, let's leave it at that. The trip to Denver was uneventful, I can get her up to 80mph, but I was mostly doing 60-65 for the sake of gas.

It was about mid-Kansas that the car started vibrating when I tried to hold speed. Something in the driveline between the shaft and differential was borked, but I had come to far to stop now. "Just get to Joplin," was one of my many mumblings, "they can help me in Joplin." Nope. About 8 miles out of Wichita something went ping, something else went clang, and sparks lit up behind me. I cut the engine, and dragged something over into the breakdown lane. I got out to inspect, saw oil pouring out of the differential, but thought something was missing. I look directly behind down the road expecting to see a trail of gears and steel shavings. But all I found was one piece: the driveshaft.

Towed in once again, the shop told me that a flange near the diff had split in two. It might have been more complicated than that, but I got the call on a wet cell phone with bad reception, and when I got to the shop I was too stressed out to talk at length with them. All I'm sure of is that it was about $350 of my and my friends money (luckily, he accepted "free personal driver for whatever, whenever" as repayment).

Now it's with me, in little old Doxmebro, MO. Needs tires right now (whitewalls are expensive), but looking good as ever now that the snows gone, no matter how hard the salt damage is to hide. Might go back to delivering pizzas again, all that I was told was here has failed to appear, but I'm still hopeful, the internet's faster!

Holy stuff, that was a big block! Feels good, tho :)

Games / Re: War Thunder Megathread - HEROIC DEEDS!
« on: January 10, 2015, 07:18:29 PM »
Put my name on dat list, bruh!

IGN: captain_zee (same thing for steam)

Games / Re: steam begging thread v2
« on: December 19, 2014, 04:56:17 PM »
Make my wishlist come tru, pl0x
Anything or everything, no exceptions  :cookieMonster:

General Discussion / Re: Gunner's CityRPG
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:49:38 AM »

Does anyone remember bbs' city rpg? It got a little crazy with the glitches and overwhelmingly valuable drugs and the ability to abuse the economy. But with that money, came multiple player-made factions, the two largest being "Altosk" (My gang of friends and lackeys) and G.U.A.R.D. (Guardians United Against Radical Destruction, a bunch of "mercenaries" that arrested any and every criminal) Those two factions attacked each-other constantly, both of which had traitors, spies, and cops within them.

Need this!!!

Games / Re: StarMade - Turn down for DOORS
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:08:24 PM »
Sorry about that. I'm meanwhile having to deal with teaching Captain Zee how to play the game.

Yeah, sorry 'bout that. It's been over a year since I've played this, and a forgot about a lot of it. It's coming back to me now, and thanks for your patience with me  :iceCream:

EDIT: Oh yeah, put me in the mining part of Industry, that's the part I know I can do.

Games / Re: StarMade - Turn down for DOORS
« on: October 17, 2014, 12:52:11 PM »
Found out that I purchased this a while ago, never played online though :(. Invite plz?

Games / Re: Sub Rosa | Multiplayer Mob Transactions
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:56:53 PM »

Why bump? Two reasons:

1) You can now apply for alpha access on Sub Rosa's new retro-cool official website They do the "batches" thing, so don't expect immediate access.

2) Sub Rosa's twitter just announced a play test at 1400 (2:00 PM) today. Follow it to make sure you don't miss any more of them.

Stacks get!

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