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Messages - OzmarBlock

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Oh wow... I've seen funnier things than that in my everyday life.
I changed how I was made.
Its called life adjustment so I'm not hated, I still keep my personality but I ain't going to be a total moron.
So what? If he's a giant richard than he gets all the pusillanimous individual.

Really? you put in love to a thread that doesn't even relate to that?

I'm "special" and even I act more mature than some members. While you can't change how you are made, you can at least act like it.
Some people arent that "special" in life. It doesn't mean they aren't special means they should get pointed out on threads.

Hellspot, get out of this. You troll on servers. You dress up like a giant snake to get your way.

All you people, you are bullying a kid because how he was MADE. REALIZE THAT YOU CANNOT CHANGE HOW YOU ARE MADE.

You are just a moron trying to flame this kid's mind. Just because you hate him doesn't mean you try to hurt his friends or protectors or even just him.
you don't seem to understand, do you?

Insects are idiot..
I'm a person yes, but does that mean people can't hate me? No.

Oh, you really help me.

no, your a handicap who wants to look like a coolbro
You are just a moron trying to flame this kid's mind. Just because you hate him doesn't mean you try to hurt his friends or protectors or even just him.

no, there IS no real PEOPLE, we're all diffrent, we have gangsters, we have people like the mafia, we have Christians, and stuff like that, you, on the other hand, are those morons who want people to be they way they want them to be,
you just gotta know whats right, everyone has their own preference of the meaning "normal people"
All that is people, you still don't get life. Humans are people. People are the dominant species of a planet.

Lol he thought people cared if he was sick?

Bratty kid...
I try to help him because I am a GOOD friend. Good friends would defend other friends.

It appears Ozmar just might be Comedy's butt buddy so he keeps trying to help him.
I'm not a person I am the person DUN DUN DUN.
Welcome to the real world, do something we don't like and be hated upon.
You aren't doing nothing but jumping into the hole with Comedy and being buried alive.
If you bail now we won't hate you to much.

Also Bolsters alright.
What if YOU were him, you had the SAME brain as him, you would do that. You would feel bad. Really think what you are doing to this poor guy.

wow what an ungrateful forget
I can show you proof. You really help nothing on this thread. Not even the drama. You are just Mr. Grump face.

he's not a person, he's a bratty kid, proof:
You don't know the difference because you haven't gone to school.

me and comedy made up and we're friends now

im even going to buy him minecraft
He already has minecraft. He played it with me...

Everyone stop being mean to comedy. He is a PERSON too just like you. If you claim you aren't a person, you wouldn't have been able to reply to this thread.

Really now?
Anyone can throw on tags then take a picture.

What does this tell you?

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