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Topics - Bushido

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hey, don't take this as being elitist or flaunting or something, but i need something to shoot for

was there ever a very large weapon pack on blockland? i think there was some deathmatch mod where there was like a bazillion guns, back before retail, but i'm not quite sure

seriously man all these tier+tactical weapons and not a single competitor makes me a very lazy person, and i need some motivation

Gallery / (Youtube) Blockhead is riding his Bike
« on: May 15, 2010, 12:59:52 PM »

posted as a parody of another fad

not that funny, but still pretty cool, i guess

Drama / Smokesta (is a theiving bastard)
« on: May 12, 2010, 06:49:08 PM »


The Sniper Rifle is a Hunting Rifle variant in Left 4 Dead 2.

Pow! I'm gonna snipe some bitches!
Also fires at a fast speed.

hasn't this happened before?

Off Topic / Un-Daoism
« on: May 11, 2010, 10:44:03 PM »
if there's one thing that pisses me the forget off on blockland is the fact that literally everybody seems to not know how to get a guy to do something, and is basically very un-daoist

if you don't know what daoism is, it's basically an ancient chinese philosophy based entirely around the motto

"sit down, shut up, let me do my job"

every other person i know (or drops in on my server) constantly rags me about how X isn't done, isn't done right, isn't being done fast enough, etc: or even worse, i go to someone ELSE'S server and at least one dumbass is all


and it doesn't even seem to only happen with me, alot of modders and some builders are plagued by this bullstuff too, and we almost always end up never completing what we're trying to make, and i've had it up to here with this bullstuff. if you guys keep going on with this, you're gonna continue to see projects dropping out of the sky, disappearing off the face of the earth, and you'll only have yourselves to blame

moral of the story: god damn, shut up! we know what we're loving doing

Forum Games / TERMINAL_ (a text-based adventure)
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:10:45 PM »
welcome to TERMINAL_

you (and other users who have logged into the same simulation) control a simulated, virtual, state-of-the-art TURT-TECH 700 RECONTRON. classic text-based commands like LOOK, EXAMINE, GO, OPEN, etc are quickly and easily recognized by our TURT-TECH super-computer, but more complex commands like "bust down the door with crates" will be accepted too, since our AI is just that good

complete your mission, pay attention to detail, and of course, have fun

actually i guess since you're a robot you can't really, but still

[end introduction]

a warm (?) light glows from a window on the WEST wall. several small metal crates litter the otherwise dimly-lit room, along with other assorted litter: your robotic instincts tell you that searching the junk and crates might be a good idea, but they are not quite certain

this room is so small. as a robot, you feel nothing, but you are almost certain if you were human you would be feeling very claustrophobic right now

optical lens indicate that there is a door to the EAST
perceptive sensors sense movement behind the door to the EAST

a dim light is glowing from your left arm: if memory serves (and it does. solid state drive, bitches!), that wasn't there before

>examine left arm_

the monitor on your left arm seems to have gone into overbright mode while you were powered down. but, upon closer inspection (and the proper recalibration of your optical lenses) it seems that it has been entirely stripped of it's original useful features (alas, poor hammerspace. i knew thee well) and the display seems to have been glitched: the only remaining GUI is a straight line running horizontally across the screen

your TURT-TECH senses are tingling.

>examine east door_

the door won't budge! but, it doesn't seem to be locked

maybe something's blocking it?

>examine litter_

a closer look at the litter reveals many things that you didn't notice initially... which is weird, given that you're a robot.

a metal bar, several bottles of beer, a strap of some sort, assorted screws, a small toolkit, many, many papers, a few bits of cloth and a package of batteries are among the things that might be genuinely useful to you: everything else is mostly just dirt or splinters or something

hey, wait! you don't actually have anything to hold these things in!

>bash door : take down light_


the door has a rather small dent in it now. judging from the fact it's made from solid metal and you weigh about 200 pounds i don't think you're gonna break through any time soon

what light?

>drink beer_

you open one of the bottles of beer, sit back, relax, and pour it all down the front of your chassis

you're a robot, silly. you can't drink!


a message plays through your head


well, that was annoying

>examine toolkit_

finally, back to important stuff!

you open the toolbox (which could probably easily hold alot of the stuff lying on the ground) and see a screwdriver, a small hammer, a wrench, more screws, more batteries, several bobby pins, superglue, an entire BAG of rubber bands, and a note

since you're already looking at the toolbox, you decide "why not"

it reads "GET OUT"


you create a little toy robot buddy out of spare circuitry that was previously used for things like your multi-dimensional inventory terminal and your plasma cannons (but aren't now, due to the whole flatlined monitor thing), a battery, a few bits of debris (metal, mostly, but there's glass in there) and one of your spare eyes

as you switch it on, it looks up with big optical lenses and says
"01000100 01000001 01000100 01000001!"

since you don't really have anything to do with him at the moment, you let him amble around the room a bit. since you're a robot you don't really feel anything bu- wait. no! you do feel something

is this... compassion?

no, never mind. just a screw loose

>check door for doorknob: pick lock_

you examine the door to the east

looks like it's mostly made of steel 'n such: logically, it would be very, very sturdy. it seems to be operated by a push bar, which seems to have jammed. if you had something small enough (or someONE small enough) you could probably check inside, but there might not be enough light to operate properly

dammit, turt-tech. why'd you have to skip on the nightvision?

>assorted 'crash' commands_

without your most basic operating files in place, you have essentially committed robotic Self Delete!




DOWNLOADING FILE "system64"...

whoa! failsafe.

>use robot friend to unjam door_

"01111001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101001 01110010 00100001!" your little robot friend chirps, as he hops up into the push bar

he promptly pops back out though, and beeps "01101001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111 00100000 01100100 01100001 01110010 01101011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101100 00100000 01101001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01111001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001!" before going to sit on a crate in the corner

you kinda wish you had a binary translator installed: windicx is entirely programmed on willpower, twos, and threes. apparently it allows for 'creative' thinking on the robot's part, but you just consider it an inconvenience

>mess with the little robot's voicebox_

your little robot friend's custom voicebox, made from spare parts and your extra circuits, is basically just a metal bar vibrating back and forth really loving quickly. Tampering with it at all would probably make your little robot friend totally unable to communicate!

you try it anyway.


nothing seems to happen.

>bust down the door with crates_



you seem to have broken more crates then you have doors. on the bright side, a few of the crates seem to actually have something in them!


you reboot

...back to business!

>search crates_

you search the crates thoroughly

in one of the bigger crates, there's a small hammer and a wrench: the other ones mostly have scrap metal, superglue, a few more batteries, more bobby pins, a box of wires, and a flashlight

>closely examine door_

you've already looked at this thing, remember?

it uses a push bar, it's solid steel, and it won't open: but it's definitely not locked

there's a small gap between the push bar and the door itself: you're pretty sure that something's jammed in there, but it's just too dark to see. in fact, if you were to wiggle the push bar a bit, you can hear something moving around in there

and even if you could see, your big ol' robot hands are just a bit too large to get through the gap. something smaller would work, though

>examine the push bar with your little robot buddy and flashlight

you ask the little robot to check out the gap, and he nods excitedly and clambers into the gap, as you turn on the flashlight...

which emits a small shower of sparks.

upon closer inspection the stupid thing doesn't even have a bulb: just a spark plug


eric e. shmidt!

the room shakes a bit under the sheer bass of whatever-that-was. little robot dude panics a bit, as dust kicks up from a few corners of the room and wafts around

you are too, actually: gotta get out of here!



you turn up the light on your arm-monitor to an overbright mode, shine it into the gap, and ask your robot friend to get back inside. he reaches inside, his little arm easily getting through the difference between the bar and the door, and grabs something


it re-emerges with a small hunk of metal. seriously, how'd that get in there?

you successfully open the door, and are greeted with another (far longer) ruined room. probably a hallway of some kind. 2 doors litter either side, except for the one furthest from you, just one

there is also a skylight, revealing a slightly overcast (but still obviously very sunny) sky. a few shelves and crates are strewn all over. what, did this place get hit by an earthquake?

a lens gleams between one of the doors. you're being watched!


Suggestions & Requests / Build Tool Ideas
« on: April 18, 2010, 02:29:46 PM »
i need them
all of them that you can think of

orthodox, unorthodox, creative, uncreative: as long as it helps you speed up the building process in one way or another, really.

really it doesn't even actually have to work with the engine: i'll find some way to adapt it for blockland. no editor wand style stuff, though

Off Topic / Bushido is now 15
« on: April 09, 2010, 06:19:52 AM »
oh forget yes

someone get me a loving steering wheel

Off Topic / New computer: Need suggestions
« on: April 07, 2010, 02:46:10 PM »
so i'm building a new computer since this loving imac is just terrible, but i don't know where to start

yes it's odd because i'm asian and i should be inherently good at this kind of thing blah blah

anyways, i've got a 500 dollar budget. suggestions for parts/entire rigs would be sweet

Suggestions & Requests / Cube-Size Ramp Bricks
« on: March 07, 2010, 04:18:32 PM »
basically, ramps that are exactly the size of a cube brick, but still have that sloped surface- more for complex terrain then anything

i guess you could use it for skiing too

i'd do it myself but i don't exactly know what i'd be doing

General Discussion / the master server might just be down
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:23:28 PM »
see title

alot of people are complainin' about the fact they can't authenticate, join servers, etc... so yeah, it seems possible

Add-Ons / Tier+Tactical 2.1 • UPDATE 9/23/2012
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:03:33 PM »

Tier+Tactical is back with a Vengeance!
holy BUTTforget do i HATE MATH

As we all are fully aware, Blockland functions beautifully as a deathmatch builder, as it is in fact the ultimate expression device- but there has never been a weapon pack that fully took advantage of the common player's genius, as far as the concept of perfect balance goes. The original Tier+Tactical filled a niche and settled right in, and was instantly a smash hit, even with it's bugs. The classical legacy can be seen even today- with cheap knockoffs, incredible maps and loads of new add-ons being uploaded on an almost regular basis. But as of recently, there has been a dry spell in official releases.

Until now.

Enter T+T2: the biggest, best new update to the original formula. With new guns, new features and new skins, T+T2 is set to become the next big thing in deathmatching. New to this version is a full on, dedicated reserve-ammo system complete with beautiful add-on models by yours truely, and the rebuilding from the ground up of the original T+T balance: We've cleaned up our act. Now get out there and make Blockland your own!

(Requires the Gun to function properly.)

Actual balance!*
A weapon for everyone!
*NEW* Dedicated ammunition system!
*NEW* Remodeled weapons!
*NEW* New skins!

NEW for 9/23/2012
Unified Ammo Drops: Change whether players drop ammo or not at the drop of a hat! Ammunition uses one option now!
New Models! Again!: What's new? EVERYTHING! basically, anyway.
Pepperbox nerfed!: It's for the best, I swear.
Dual SMGS buffed!: Even more dakka! Even more dakka!
New Sounds: Sort of a given, at this point!
EXPLOSIONS: Stick grenades (and conc grenades) now operate slightly differently, and have new particle effects! They're still basically the same, of course.
Ammo math fixed up!: Now roughly equal to industry standard! One bullet clips and all!

changelog for 1/1/12
Grenade Bag system: Run out of grenades on the battlefield? Kill some hapless passerby and take his! Grenades use ammo now!
New Melee Weapons: Pistols not cutting it? Try out the new chainsaw!
Pepperbox Buff: ... Pepperbox not cutting it? The four-barreled terror now does extra damage!
The Single Shotgun: Take your secondaries up-close and personal with the Single Shotgun! All the power of a shotgun and ammo efficiency of a pistol!
New Models: Combat Shotgun? Old news. Lever-Action Rifle? Please! Your favorite weapons come with an all-new spin!
New Explosives: Keep your foes at bay with the Molotov! Area denial at its finest!
Dual Submachine Guns: As if one wasn't enough! Chew through your enemies with the new Dual SMGs!
New Sounds: Gone are the days of piddly little 'psshts' and low-quality 'bangs':Some guns have been fitted with even more visceral sound effects!
The Riot Shield: Small-arms got you down? Knock 'em back and block 'em out with the Riot Shield! But be careful, it can only take so much...!
Medicine Tier 1: Heal thyself AND thy neighbor! Use the Syringe to patch yourself up during a fight, and use the Gauze Gun to heal your friends! Both weapons can be used on your teammates, so spread the love!
Ammo Toggle: Miss Tier+Tactical 1's reload system? Don't like reloads at all? Flip progress the bird! Change Tier+Tactical Ammo in RTB settings to 0, 1 or 2 to play as you see fit!
Machine Pistol Skins: Tired of that weird little green thing? So are we! Classic and Modern skins are available!
Even more Easter Eggs: If I have to explain this to you, you wouldn't understand anyway. Hunt, Blockheads, Hunt!

A word from the creator. Have issues? Look here first!

ok, the issue is that RTB is required to initialize ammo for the first time. if you don't have it running, then T+T won't initialize.

that would explain the kalphiter problem, because he probably has something against ephi and just doesn't run it, and would explain the new installation problem too

What're you waiting for? Stop sitting on your hands, and
Download Now!

Tier 1: Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Sport Rifle, Submachine Gun
Tier 1A: Peppergun, Single Shotgun, Snubnose
Tier 2: Assault Rifle, Magnum, Battle Rifle, LMG, Military Sniper, Combat Shotgun
Tier 2A: Crossbow, Bullpup, Dual SMGs, Machine Pistol, Sniper Carbine

Explosive 1: Stick Grenade, Conc' Grenade
Explosive 2: RPG, Grenade Launcher

Tier 1 - Dual Pistol Skins: Classic, Covert, Modern, Silenced
Tier 1 - Pistol Skins: Classic, Covert, Modern, Silenced
Tier 1 - Rifle Skins: Hunting, Bolt-Action, Lever
Tier 1 - Shotgun Skins: Classic, Scatter, Modern
Tier 1 - SMG Skins: Micro, Modern, Silenced, Naval, Classic

Tier 2 - Sniper Rifle Skins: Magnified, Semi, Classic
Tier 2 - Shotgun Skins: Riot, Tactical
Tier 2 - Auto Rifle Skins: Classic A, Classic B, Scout, Modern
Tier 2 - Magnum Skins: Semi-Auto, Cowboy
Tier 2 - LMG Skins: Blocky, Drum
Tier 2 - Machine Pistol Skins: Classic, Modern
Tier 2 - Bullpup Skins: Compact, Tactical

Melee 1: Combat Knife, Lead Pipe, Sledgehammer, Spade, Crowbar, Katana, Baton, Frying Pan...
Melee 2: Chainsaw, Paddle, Chainsaw, Riot Shield, Chainsaw, Chef's Knife, Chainsaw...

Medical 1: Gauze Gun, Syringe Gun


Credits to:
Aloshi, Space Guy, Jaydee, Tingalz
Anybody, Rkynick, the Bushido's Server steam group,
anyone not individually specified,
Assorted screenshot posers
and YOU, the players, for your support!

* disclaimer: balance may not be balanced to each individual's needs. we suggest putting a sock in your pie-hole and not using T+T with whatever horribly mangled weapon pack you have decided to use, or alternately mangle either T+T or said mangled weapon pack into an alternate form that synergizes better with either balance

in other words: if this doesn't work for you, just edit the .cses. nobody'll call you out for it except me, i promise. probably.

Help / "invalid packet 0"
« on: January 30, 2010, 01:14:06 PM »
people seem to get this error whenever they try to join my server

what's this mean, how do i fix it, etc

Drama / Shane, sappin' mah models!
« on: January 09, 2010, 03:06:31 PM »

dude stole my silenced SMG, battle rifle, katana, crowbar, high-def pistol, magnum, pump shotgun, skillet and frying pan models

and then claimed them

seriously who does this kind of loving thing

General Discussion / Bushido's 76 kill combo has been broken!
« on: January 04, 2010, 08:01:08 PM »

also dorito says "LOOK MA I'M ON GD"

should this go in gallery?

Suggestions & Requests / Non-Hostile Player
« on: December 25, 2009, 09:44:23 AM »
basically, a playertype that is invulnerable to damage (from other players) until it fires a projectile, then is vulnerable for a set amount of time afterward- i'm thinking about 30 seconds.

maybe it could come with a (significantly different then usual) exclamation mark emote that appears when the player is vulnerable, and a small skull appearing over their head

yes i got the loving skull idea from runescape.

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