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Topics - Frosting

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Help / Blockland Opens as Demo?
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:07:43 PM »
This isn't a major problem at all, but every few months or so there's one time where I launch Blockland and what opens up is the demo version. So, instead of me just going straight to playing the game, it asks me to re-enter my activation key. Is this just a way of verifying that you're still playing Blockland or using your key? Also, is there a way to stop this from occuring? Thanks.

General Discussion / Compile Your own Elite TDM Team!
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:32:50 PM »
For those of you who frequently go to TDMs or know of some players who are very good at TDMs, develop your own all-star team!

Make your team somewhere between 5-10 players. You can simply list them, or be very specific and place each team member in certain positions.
Ex: "(player's name) manning the tank."

Here's mine:

Kalphiter manning the tank cannon
Racerboy driving the tank
Lalam in a plane
Skill4life defending points
Heedicalking defending points
Wink on the ground offensive
Jorgur on the ground offensive.

Help / Event for Opening Garage Doors at Once?
« on: January 12, 2013, 06:47:07 PM »
Does anybody know the events that would allow 3 different jvs garage doors to open at once? I need it for a house I am building.

Off Topic / Post Some of the Weirdest Server Names You've Seen.
« on: December 30, 2012, 08:43:58 PM »

I've seen one named "Bolster's Icy and Kalph Erotica Rp"

Also, someone hosted a server called "brother RP"

Basically, just describe what things you do on Blockland when you just don't feel like doing the traditional things.

When I'm not on other servers I just build a simple zombie arena for me to fight against all of these zombies.


Help / When a player joins mini-game, they don't spawn in a team.
« on: December 26, 2012, 02:27:26 PM »
When a player connects to my server, they spawn in my default mini-game, but not in a team or at the spawnpoint of that team. I have teams created for the minigame, but when the player spawns in the minigame they aren't in a team. I need to know how to fix this.

Off Topic / Let's Make A Christmas Story
« on: December 24, 2012, 08:48:18 PM »
Basically, each person who posts here posts a continuation of a Christmas story in ONE sentence or a couple of words.

I'll begin with this rather cliche phrase:

T'was the night before Christmas

I am making a mini-game and have stumbled upon the problem of allowing players to use their own avatar in a TDM. I just want each player's abdonem to be the same as the rest of their teammates, while they use their own avatar for everything else.

Help / How do I make logos for server threads?
« on: December 22, 2012, 11:11:23 AM »
I just need to know what kind of software I have to use, because I'm thinking of using one for a server thread.


Sorry to the first poster.

General Discussion / Blockland Server Hall of Fame Qualifiers
« on: December 02, 2012, 04:35:07 PM »
I thought about it, and had an idea to creat a HOF for servers, so I decided to create a poll for servers that deserve to be in it. You get a maximum of two votes, so choose wisely which servers you think should be inducted.

Things to Consider: Before voting, consider some key factors, such as the longevity of the server and its popularity. For example, a server that's been up for months and constantly gets some of the most players will likely be inducted. Quality counts too, such as how good the overall gameplay is and how well the server's admins administrate the server.


The poll closes January 1st.

Servers receiving at least 10% of the vote will be inducted.

IMPORTANT: Please suggest servers to qualify for the HOF, that way voters will have a larger variety of ones to vote for. Also I MAY change the voting percentage requirements to be inducted into HOF to be lower.

Off Topic / If Given the Default Weapons, Who Would Win?
« on: November 26, 2012, 05:39:34 PM »
Basically what happens here is you have to post your opinion on who would win in a fight between two Blocklanders if both were given the default Rocket Launcher and gun.

If you can, maybe even give a brief description of the battle.

After giving your opinion, name off two other players so the person who posts next can give their opinion.

Kalphiter vs. Lalam

General Discussion / TDMs Are Dying
« on: November 23, 2012, 06:54:57 PM »
I know people love to play servers that are unique and creative compared to others, but your classic TDM is losing its popularity even though they are extremely fun. I can't be the only one noticing this, right? Crappy City RPGs are getting more people than TDMs like Heed's and Dren's. Yes, I know Blue has an unfair advantage in Heed's, but it's still very fun. Most TDMs aren't unique, but just the fun of battle killing other players is pretty exciting, which makes me wonder why people don't play them anymore.


Off Topic / Weird, Stupid, Insane stuff You did When You Were Younger
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:35:24 PM »
The title says it all. We've all done strange things as little kids, so post them here.

When I was five I got curious about the dog food we had so I ate a few pieces of it.

Off Topic / What would you do?
« on: November 18, 2012, 03:15:46 PM »
This is quite simple; Post what you would do to get the specific item the above user has named off, then give an item for the next user to tell us what they would do for it.

Let's get this going:

What would you do for a klondike bar?

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