« on: April 15, 2012, 04:38:06 PM »
Application: Admin
Name: Frosting
BL ID: 20848
Previous experience administrating:
Before I took my yearlong break from Blockland, I served as admin on Doggy's metropolis and super admin on Firefox's jail rp. Most recently I was admin on Pumpkingoboom's city rpg.
Who recommends you?:
Pumpkingoboom, and other players who served as fellow admins on the servers above. Unfortunately, I believe that is it, considering most of the players who recommended me in the past do not play anymore. However, I do hope that this does not hinder my ability to receive admin.
Why should I Accept you?:
In the past I have had a sufficient amount of experience administrating people around my age. From my experiences, I have integrated what I learned into administrating on Blockland itself. Some promises I made to myself if I become admin include obeying all rules and ensuring that all players do as well. I take this promise very seriously, as rules serve a very important purpose. As far as admin abilities go, I consider this to be a privilege to work with other admins to keep the server maintained and fun for others, rather than an authoritative position. Finally, I know how things are supposed to run on your server, so I am confident that granting me admin will not be a mistake.
Your timezone/region: Pacific Standard Time/ Western United States.
I will respect any decision you make Pecon. Thank you.