Off Topic / Re: Student suspended for saving another kid from a knife wielding bully
« on: June 01, 2013, 11:44:57 PM »
I like that kid
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Upload them to an image site like imgur or tinypic, then use the direct link they give you and put that link between [img}and[/img]http://(replace the } with ])
I apologize for not getting pictures; I don't know how to post pictures here directly from my computer, if possible.
leave him the forget alone.
Nonnel you're going to be a great father one day
not sure whether to post a carrot here or notDOOOOO it
i thought he unclipped the leash lolhe did
Wolf or dog?Haven't decided, just sketching to see what feels natural
Don't mind me, just preventing the thread from getting too old.Ya your my new friend <3
people with long fingers
I saw this on somewhere else. Why is carrying a combat knife around with you frowned upon is most societies? It coculd be used for this.