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Topics - bestguy22

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one fortune cookie i had said, i would get a new hat. and guess what!?  i got a new hat? i might post images of me in my New hat??

Off Topic / eyeball bleach Thread
« on: January 02, 2016, 08:58:34 AM »
post nice stuff like pupy dogs. and soap

You will need this

Forum Games / Give John some clothes.
« on: December 27, 2015, 06:14:02 PM »

John is getting dressed.
"What should I wear I wonder?"

Dress up John. He has to look good for his date.

Rules : Add on to whats added before you. Dont mes up the transparency and don't put it in low qualtiy. John doesn't like low qaulity.

Off Topic / Do You Chew With Your Mouth Open?
« on: December 27, 2015, 01:38:46 PM »
A lot of my friends Chew With Their Mouth Open and I dont I feel Left Out

Off Topic / what is your favorite body part???
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:23:46 PM »
mine is the ELBOW .

and my LEGS .

dont post in this thread if you celebrate hanukkah. only Christmas.


Faces, Decals, Prints / dog face from undertale [bark]
« on: November 26, 2015, 01:16:33 PM »
hear the song of my people

theres also frisk and napstablook because why not.

click dog to download

Off Topic / My friends beat up a handicapped kid
« on: October 13, 2015, 05:30:54 PM »

i really don't know if i should tell someone or not.
the kid definitely has a mental problem that i can only diagnose as handicapation because i dont know what he really has.
hes that one kid that wears the blue jean baggy pants, walks weird and tries to act like a smartass and tries to fit in by saying trendy stuff like "what are those" but he doesn't even use it right. he's super annoying and always wants to fight someone. he gives people the middle finger for no reason at all sometimes and if you're close to him he'll try and kick your leg for some reason.
my friendos are some of the popular guys and stuff on the football team i dont care about and im just that short person who sits with them but everyone still likes me anyways :) the group sits at a table with mostly mexicans and blacks with like a few white people. it was like 4 people who actually beat him up though.
so two of my friends tried to keep him in the hallway during a passing by period talking to him, so the other two could get there. and they acted as if they were friends with him. when the other two got there one of us decided "hey why dont we skip class ? ?" and they decided they would skip in the bathroom. i was already with them and why not so i just followed. we started to play fight with eachother, and the tardo kid hit one of them, trying to join in. so of course they hit him back, which was the plan in the first place. they all started to gang up on him and hit him, and i was trying to get them to stop. they were throwing really hard punches and kicks, and you could tell, because the kid was tearing up. i wanted to walk out and go to class and act as if i was just late, but they tried to keep me and said i should have joined in. i really didnt want someone to say that i was there, so i just left.
 i didn't hear their names get called, on the intercom which you usually are if you're in trouble by the principal or something. we met up outside at dismissal later on, and they were talking about what they did, as if it were funny or super cool. i wanted to tell them they are jackasses but i didn't. the handicapo didn't seem to have told anybody but it was visible that someone had beat him up, so im surprised nobody has said anything. it's possible he told a teacher and something is gonna happen tomorrow. i feel super bad
tl;dr - my friends beat up a poor handicapo and i havent told anyone about it yet yet

Off Topic / happy colomubus day
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:08:10 AM »
happy columbus day everyone!

Off Topic / name one thing similar to the above two users
« on: October 06, 2015, 05:31:46 PM »
i wanted to try and make a thread
there is nobody above me but the below user can say something similar to me and themselves

(it can be about their avatars too)

Off Topic / where do your eyes go when you blink
« on: October 03, 2015, 08:48:52 AM »
like since its dark when i bilnk i think its the dark viod where are eyes go and we see stars and stuff when we look at the lihgts

Off Topic / i have ice cream. what should i do with it
« on: September 26, 2015, 09:03:04 PM »
im tired of just eating my ice cream. what else should i do with it

Off Topic / My friend is getting charged w/cp? or something like that??
« on: September 03, 2015, 04:37:56 PM »
so apparently my friend had real child research i dont know the details of the images/and possible video except it was some pretty gross stuff of little girls like really little to 12 or 10?? i am not completely sure but i think it was his mom who caught him with it and actually called the police on him? (which is completely reasonable)
i felt really bad for him but then i remembered what an starfish he was, and i still decided to be his friend because he always comes over to my house (hope he hasnt planted shiet on my laptop)
so i know im not talking to him, but i hope people still don't associate me with him at school n stuff
my mom is really mad for me with being friends with him, which i dont understand at all because i didnt even know he had done anything
he was also one of the "popular kids" too

i really dont know how to feel about it though
please guys loli isnt okay

Off Topic / its my birthday
« on: August 15, 2015, 11:47:55 AM »
cake and happy birthday for me
what should my bday wish be

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