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Messages - Admiral Obvious

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Someone should make this a profile pic.

Forum Games / Re: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666
« on: April 18, 2016, 06:15:34 AM »

I'm not sure what OP expected.

OT: of

Forum Games / Re: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666
« on: April 07, 2016, 06:49:01 PM »

April Fools 2016 / Re: Guess who the forumer above you is
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:01:42 PM »

Tomorrow it is revealed that only two forumers have been going back and forth at this for the last five pages.

General Discussion / Re: Tank Arena BETA - SERVER: UP
« on: March 31, 2016, 03:50:04 PM »
My favorite part is the team bots. Their fun to watch and fight.

They're not an actual feature, as they eventually cause problems and break the flow of game play.

General Discussion / Re: Tank Arena BETA - SERVER: UP
« on: March 31, 2016, 01:30:09 PM »
wait what what have i been missing

I've played it before, recently. It's even on the Xbox One version of ROBLOX.

Hey just a little recommendation for the gates (once they work): Make it so that players are invincible for a few seconds(probably only 1-3 seconds) once they pass through the gates. This is drawn from experience from many other servers and spawn killing still happening, since they just camp out right outside the gates and shoot the players who barely walk out.
I'm not sure how difficult it would be to make (I am still learning all the coding stuff, and haven't hosted my own (decent) server.)

That is unnecessary, as the gates don't fall for 15 seconds (when they work properly), by which time the players should have gotten into their tanks. There is only one life per round, so spawnkilling is impossible. Also, the gates still have raycasting even when down, so bullets and tank shells won't hit the spawn area.

Server is passworded while I work out what's wrong with the spawn gates not working like they should.

Password is "Obvious" for those that care and want to have input.

Gates are permanently down for now. For some reason, the event "OnMiniGameRoundStart" no longer triggers properly.

Works again.

Pardon for asking, but what does it take to get people to join a new server? We never get enough people for the game to actually be much fun.

Arena has been elevated and made bigger as per Bushido's suggestions.

I would suggest light and regular tanks only, maybe some elevation, and a bigger(slightly?) map

Yeah, I was thinking of increasing the size and adding more ramps, but what's wrong with the heavy tanks?

General Discussion / Tank Arena BETA - SERVER: DOWN
« on: March 26, 2016, 05:58:23 PM »

So I'm building a tank arena, one with simple maps and basic, but hopefully fast-paced game play.

I need testers and advice on how to get some features working, as this is my first time hosting a server like this.

Some images (note that images do not reflect final product):
Top-down view of first map, hopefully reminiscent of arcade maps. I plan to get a rotation going in the future.

Alternate view.

The current gate/wall, which disappears 15 seconds after the round starts. It still has raycasting though for spawnkill prevention.

 Everyone only gets a weak gun for a little self-defense. You are not supposed to easily survive without a tank.

Uses the Light Tank and Pompmaker's Heavy Tank.

Server plans:

-Map rotation
-Server music
-Refined spawn gate

Will start running admin and map applications if server gets popular.

Server is named Admiral Obvious's Tank Arena BETA - WIP

Got the Tough Break contracts ticket (not worth it) and was wondering why I wasn't getting any more contracts when I was twelve points away from getting a gold/australium stamp. Turns out I finished the last one, which sucks because I remember thinking on one of my last contracts that I didn't want to bother with getting a few extra bonus points.

Also, just recently discovered the joy of the community market, such as buying name and description tags at a reduced price.

Forum Games / Re: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666
« on: March 15, 2016, 05:58:22 AM »

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