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Messages - Khaz

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 494
Off Topic / Re: Israel VS Hamas
« on: October 18, 2023, 06:03:49 AM »
you forgot to add the women and children running in the opposite direction

Off Topic / Re: Israel VS Hamas
« on: October 10, 2023, 06:52:18 AM »
AFAIK the best position to have is to denounce Hamas and their terrorism while at the same time acknowledging that the reason Hamas is a meaningful player in the area is because of Israel's politics and apartheid.
P much this

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 24, 2023, 12:40:27 PM »
i dunno. maybe. I guess the 'why?' is really all that's left.

like If I were in Badspot's position, logical 24y/o me is thinking "okay I should get to the bottom of this and do something about it if I have to" not even for legal obligations but because there is literally the overpowering thought in my mind of the fact that there is an easy access to children via my game and I have some power to MITIGATE it. (not completely prevent it which is important to note). Just seems like it took mountains to be moved for him to even bother, which I dont think is unfair or taboo for people to be upset by. Or to say that he should have had a more active role in these kinds of situations. But idk that's the thing, none of us were in his shoes. Badspot has had his own life experiences and circumstances that have molded his personality and behaviors, as we all have. for all we know he could just naturally be more apathetic to these things for whatever reason through no fault of his own.

I just think it's important for people to really acknowledge that these behaviors were not uncommon and pretty thoroughly ingrained into the community (tbh the internet) at the time. The apathy and inappropriate behavior displayed by moderation/adults was just eaten up and enabled by us kids because we just didn't know any better. Gave some very unfortunate but valuable life lessons to a lot of people growing up. It genuinely surprises me when I see some of the users coming out and saying they barely or never really experienced it.

Off Topic / Re: who are you, Guest?
« on: September 24, 2023, 10:37:52 AM »
lord tony you must be stopped

Off Topic / who are you, Guest?
« on: September 24, 2023, 07:29:28 AM »


Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 24, 2023, 07:11:44 AM »
Looking back at the BLF's history, it's absolutely insane what kind of stuff this community just glanced over and let slide back then

What was wrong with us?
It's honestly quite the case study.

That's another thing that reminds me which I believe was kind of touched on before by somebody else; it's so painfully obvious that a lot of us were just kids looking up to and trying to emulate the attitudes and behaviors displayed by Badspot/Ephialtes

And we are already aware of the situation with Ephialtes.........

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 23, 2023, 08:00:27 PM »
yea yeah yo momma i forgot to remove would

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 23, 2023, 06:31:52 PM »
I think the issue people are having is that these individuals were around openly preying for way too long before any punishment was given. Like they got caught actually doing creep stuff much later than they should have because they were comfortable in a community that enabled it/wouldn't take it seriously. (also dont want to put much blame on "us" because obviously most of us were children/teenagers and didnt fully grasp these concepts) And most of the time the punishment was just the community finding out and excommunicating them because their behavior was just too undeniably heinous. Or they would just come back so many times on alts doing other/the same stupid stuff to attain BoS status...I dont really recall any bans given to these individuals that felt like it was because "this person is a pred" rather than Badspot just being annoyed that he has to ban the same person another time for annoying the community.

Don't think this is true, Bisjac was from Minnesota and Badspot is on the east coast somewhere. Bisjac talked out of his ass a lot. IIRC Bisjac actually had a daughter- I remember he posted a picture of her at Mall of America.

What were the Bisjac accusations? I'm unfamiliar, curious to see

he would regularly posted as such:

i would forget the brains out of a 15yo girl i meet on the net. and i would brag to everyone about it.

kids are never "tricked" into doing things that parents dont want them to.
they want to do these things ;)

think he kinda toned it down a bit as time went on but joking or not, this was an adult saying these things to and around minors

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 21, 2023, 08:47:43 PM »
first one is just absolute cringe to look at

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 21, 2023, 01:09:00 PM »
what was that drama series where badspot would expose support emails? like Badspot would rather broadcast the concerns of an uneducated parent worried out about their child being groomed on the exact same forum to the same lurking creeps instead of just telling the parent there's nothing more he can do other than what he can do. yeah at the time it was entertainment because of how this forum is...but that's just...bad, dude...

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 21, 2023, 01:01:12 PM »
Folks such as Bisjac and Otis da Houskat were openly spewing predatory stuff and still had a notable community presence for years. Bisjac having such a proximity or being acquainted enough with Badspot to regularly mention that he would watch his kids. The only things that got you banned on here was being overly loving annoying, crashing servers, or excessive flaming/posting 18+ material. Thats it. Any other behavior was essentially ignored save for some extremely rare exceptions, I'm sure. To say that Badspot didn't take measures to prevent these things from happening is definitely not "incredibly inaccurate". Like it's straight up reality.

It's one thing to have lax moderation and to let adolescents interact with each-other on a forum with more freedom than others, but obviously there were issues in addressing these individuals or else there wouldn't be this collective contempt about the fact that the behavior went mostly unaddressed.

I could see if Badspot took all the steps to deny these people access to BL and they somehow came back anyway like there's not really much more you can do there, but like Trymos said, there were no measures taken.

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 04, 2023, 03:05:22 PM »
this wasnt on my bingo card

Off Topic / Re: Not a single post
« on: September 03, 2023, 08:18:51 PM »

Off Topic / Re: What's something you miss from the 2000s?
« on: August 14, 2023, 10:37:19 AM »
khaz passed away by nostalgia from the above post

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: August 13, 2023, 01:43:35 PM »
is there something personal going on here you'd like to share with the room soukuw

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