Off Topic / Re: Swollow's Thread Discussion Thread
« on: July 23, 2014, 01:44:06 AM »7/26/14
motherfcker that's when i'm going to a birthday party can we skip ahead a few days or something
inb4 missing page turns into all john smith
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if you have anything to do with the state of ohio, you are guaranteed a spot at nasa
Thats awesome. If you ever have questions outside of your instructors I'll be glad to help. I've been working as a mechanic of sorts for my grandpa for the past 3 years. He owns a maitenence company and is an A&P + IA. So I've learned quite a bit.
are you from ohio?
-snip because holy pagestretch- mah kinda plane
Another pic I stole from her iPod, kinda fuzzy but whatever.damn dude you look a ton like my friend jacob from michigan
Do you have starfishitus or something, you seem to post quite a bit of negativity
Dear Strong Badspot
How do you ban people with boxing gloves on