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Messages - Flame

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Music / EVE Online Looped Music (Taking Requests)
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:51:21 PM »
I have four songs looped right now, so I'll put them on Mediafire. In the mean time, why don't you go get a snack?

These songs are from the MMO EVE Online. The Battle tunes I found in the game's files, and Below the Asteroids and Nouvelle Rouvenor Hero were on the EVE website. I just looped them. :)

I am open for requests. (Try to make them EVE songs, in the jukebox or not. I'll even do sounds. ;D)

Current Songs: - Below the Asteroids - Nouvelle Rouvenor Hero - Battle Beat 1 - Battle Beat 2

The songs below are requests. The format is: [LINK_Song name_Requester]

If you will like to make a request, please tell me which song, the timeframe you want looped, and if you want it have faded edges*.

There are no requests at this time.

*Faded edges - if you want the song to fade in and out at the ends of the loop

Music / Re: M³ Super Music Pack (41 Songs!)
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:10:37 PM »
Where's the Black Ingvars - I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)(Eiffel 65)?

Lol, wasn't that made a while ago? A few people attempted to do that but failed, most likely because they didn't get that "Chorus" part. :P Just the chorus will make me happy. :)

I still don't see why that is so important.

Full songs attract the RIAA, and Badspot doesn't want them knocking on his door anytime soon. xD

Music / Re: ►►►Don't Post Full Songs.
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:53:35 PM »
Alright.. I've been working on a new project, and I need some space-like songs... so I decided to check around, and I remembered that I used to play EVE and some songs there were pretty catchy. So I checked on the EVE homepage and I found that all the music there is free to download from CCP. If I post it on the forums (if it's under 500k), is it pirating? Shouldn't be, if it was given out for free by CCP, right?

EDIT: Ha ha... nevermind, I found out a way to slice the music in half and make it sound good. :D

Audacity is a great program. :P

Add-Ons / Re: Elevators v1.1
« on: July 16, 2010, 01:16:24 PM »
The original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory had the best elevator... What did he call it, again? Well, either way... like that?
The Wonkavator.

Also, I really wanted these elevators, but the link won't work for me or my friend... plus, get these on RTB.  :cookieMonster:

Add-Ons / Re: UI edit Dumping area
« on: June 05, 2010, 12:35:51 PM »
Banished, your profile pic is that animation from Flipnote Hatena by Invader HEK.

That's right, I've been there.  :cookieMonster:

Maps / Re: Simble Trench!
« on: May 11, 2010, 07:14:37 PM »
LOL why is there no picture :cookie:

Another question... why'd you bump this topic?
Also, there's no picture because it does not WORK!

Maps / Re: Destructicus DX Megawsome
« on: May 01, 2010, 10:42:25 AM »
Alright, that was too much. Please, at least make another version without the spinning lights and blinding flashes, so we don't all lose our sanity.


Music / Re: Avast Theme
« on: April 30, 2010, 06:07:09 PM »
Heh. It has a nice... beat?  :cookie: for you!

Music / Re: M³ Super Music Pack (41 Songs!)
« on: April 30, 2010, 06:04:25 PM »
You mean  they ACULY exist?!?!?! i thought that icarly just made up that band! (wow! 10/10 i'll give!)
Omfg... Dude how did you not know that that band EXISTS?! You have no radio or somethin'?!
...of course ICarly didn't make that up! Haven't you heard of Guest stars?

Dun leik (Bad Grammer on purpose)
It looks like you just went around the forum downloading stuff and posting it on one topic.
Its why we have a "Search" button.
I agree, but still, it has some of my favorite songs in the pack. :D

Music / Re: [Music File] You spin me right round, Trance.
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:48:01 PM »

You mean Bump? Or Dumb? Or Bum?!

Maps / Re: Ikes Peak
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:24:56 PM »
Looks very cool. Judging by the picture, it looks like the mountains are... too cylindrical. Is that true? I cannot Download right now as I am on the DSi. :P

Maps / Re: the grassy island (new poll)
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:20:11 PM »
Wow. For a first map this looks pretty decent. Looks excellent for a really... large... Pirate Giants RPG? I dunno. Still pretty good though for a first map!  :cookie:

Maps / Re: Destructicus DX Megawsome
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:16:46 PM »
I fear the point of downloading this.. this... madness. It looks like someone hit the bedroom with something... big and then vomited all over it.

I might loose a spleen by playing this map.
Or my complete sanity.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: MGS4 Decals
« on: December 24, 2008, 04:38:02 PM »
* Flame facepalms.

Music / Re: ACCEPTING SONG REQUEST (Please just give me a try)
« on: December 24, 2008, 11:07:54 AM »
I dunno. I got it a loooong time ago.

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