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Messages - Flame

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Colleges have around 1000 students, right?
whoa what? mine has almost 40,000

unless you're talking about community colleges

what the even is social justice
ive seen it used so many times by many different people that it just is bleached clean of any meaning for me

it has gotten terrible reputation because of bloodthirsty feminational socialists

you guys are saying social justice isn't being taught in schools, and i'm saying it is and including the proof you guys wanted
this isnt social justice
this is gender studies
we seem to have differing views as to what constitutes as social justice. i personally believe gender and women's studies falls under the umbrella term of social justice, but if you don't, that's okay--you can just disregard my post and move on lol

oh so you agree its bullstuff
no, i misread you. what kind of person would get a degree in gender or women's studies and not consider themselves at least partially partaking in social justice?

then what was
the courses were. you guys are saying social justice isn't being taught in schools, and i'm saying it is and including the proof you guys wanted

yeah what you posted has nothing to do with that

this isnt social justice
this is gender studies
Which, in this age when these things are becoming more relevant, is necessary so people can understand them. I don't see how this is a bad thing.
of course, but social justice does focus on these anyway, doesn't it?

just to clarify to you all, i'm not a huge anti-sjw or anything

yes and its just as much bullstuff as the first courses you posted lol
alright man, if you say so. i'm just saying that claiming social justice isn't being taught in schools is just foolish

the mother rolls in to protect it's youngling
i literally have just as much against lord tony as everybody else, but he's not lying here

its almost like you haven't ever been to college
have you checked the album? i agree with you, but those degrees weren't my main point anyway. tony originally stated that it was being taught "like law without a degree" or something along those lines

Unfortunately, Lord Tony is so starved for attention he'll go so far as making stuff up in an attempt to stir a ruse out of people.
>thinking this stuff is made up

gee it's like you forgeters haven't enrolled for college courses i guess that is to be expected of a board full of 15 year olds

here's three degrees that relate to gender and women's studies, one of them dealing with queer studies

and here's an album of various 150-level courses.

1% isn't really a significant change.
How big even was the class? Unless it's a few hundred students, a one percent change is likely just a change in rounding
300 people. i didn't mean for it to sound like a significant change, rather the fact that after teaching 300 students about the "good sides of feminism" their viewpoint wasn't swayed.

last semester i just took a social media and ourselves class. it was pretty much all about how marxism is the way to go, trolls are bad people, social media makes people narcissistic and we need more social justice in the world in order to thrive as a species

when there was a class-wide poll done if people identified themselves as a feminist, 63% voted no.. after the class (which was a lecture about feminism in a social context), it went up to 64%. i wish i took pictures in that class because sometimes it was loving hilarious, but there were teaching assistants wandering the halls of the auditorium like hawks

i still stand by my claim that radical feminists are a vast minority and are just very loud, just like there are people who are loudly anti-sjw (like OP and a few people in this thread)

Off Topic / Re: David Bowie is dead
« on: January 11, 2016, 03:14:52 AM »
the stars look very different today

Forum Games / Re: CTRL+V game v6
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:42:15 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:39:14 PM »
VH didn't like my picture.
tony why do you keep coming back here and mentioning you dressed up like a girl once just out of nowhere? are you just looking to start drama?

Off Topic / Re: DISC Personality Test - Which one are you?
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:41:40 AM »

General Discussion / Re: New Years 2016 - 145 Players. 0 Crashes.
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:43:53 AM »
i'm so upset i missed this like damn

Gallery / Re: Just your average 2x4 brick, brown townyzed
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:35:58 AM »

Off Topic / Re: just found something kinda cool on Google Earth
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:33:30 AM »

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