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Topics - Rigel

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I can't fall asleep when doing anything on a computer, it's almost as if the screen can give me the energy to stay awake forever...

And then I just crash as soon as I go away from the screen. Anyone have anything like this?

Off Topic / The Riddler Game
« on: July 02, 2015, 07:34:34 PM »

Off Topic / gandalf is (numbers) saxy
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:59:33 PM »
I need to decode this message from youtube.

 Cameron Harnett 3 days ago
+Kyle Krzemien I have no words...

Kyle Krzemien 1 day ago
+Cameron Harnett Decode it, and you'll have many.

Games / Board Game Online
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:06:43 PM »
I made a room.

Get in here and lose to me.

Off Topic / Lets sentence Ocelotus and Cantaloupe together!
« on: June 22, 2015, 01:34:36 AM »
Lets give them a sentence for each misdemeanor.

Lets start with the important ones.

Cantaloupe - Posting a leaving thread - Life

Ocelotus - Spamming gay research - Life

Cantaloupe - Admittance to trolling - Life

Off Topic / Dawn of the final day...
« on: June 21, 2015, 09:41:19 AM »
Internet gets cut tomorrow for me, and I have yet to do anything productive. Feels like summer.

I don't even know what I want to do today, and it'd suck to waste my last day with internet.

Off Topic / 4000th post
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:33:12 AM »
Over half of them in off-topic.

I've wasted too much not enough time here.

Off Topic / nostalgia dream
« on: June 16, 2015, 11:01:34 AM »
okay, so yesterday, I drank a bottle of beer, and really didn't feel anything. Until it got to when I fell asleep and started dreaming.

there were two major dreams, the first one I mainly forgot, but it was like an action movie

The second one, however was a dream that filled me with nostalgia from an old chain of dreams I had when I was a LOT younger.

When I was younger, I had dreams where I'd get together with a bunch of my brother and sister's friends, and then my cousin. My brother and sister were never included. We would all do what we called a "run."

It was a run from point A to point B, that took us across the majority of plaaces that were important to me, but never really existed. It was all just dreamt up. Anyway, the dreams that happened years ago always happened with the places we ran through being kind of broken. Crumbling buildings, a dark sky, the only light was when we ran through a highschool's pool area. The pool area never existed, but the school itself does, and I'm going to it now. Then we ran through someone's yard, and ended up in an alley way that leads to the l4d1 airport, through the eletrical field and all that.

Well yesterday, I had dreamt that we got together again, after all these years, just to do the run again. As we ran through the city, none of the buildings were crumbling, and people were walking around. The highschool was in session when we ran through it, and they almost didn't allow us to go through to the pool. We stopped at the pool to rest and talk, some girl in our group started talking about how another in the group had died, and how one of her parents died. It was sad, and I don't even know these people's names, and barely remember their faces. Then in the house's yard, we went into the house itself, and chilled for a little while. Some more sad stories were had, and people started breaking off from the group, not going to finish the run. I, with whomever was coming to finish the run, had just stepped out of the house when I was woken up.

TL;DR: I had a dream after 1 beer, and this dream gave me a huge amount of nostalgia for another chain of dreams I had about 6-9 years ago.

Has anyone else had dreams like this? Otherwise just discuss dreams you've had after booze.

Off Topic / It's my birthday! Yay!
« on: June 15, 2015, 08:03:51 AM »

So, for those of you wondering how I'm still here, the time of darkness has been pushed back to the 22nd.

Anyway, it's my birthday! Now I can get a job, and a permit, and some other things that'd make me a responsible individual. Yay.

I'd like to take this moment to say that I love y'all, no matter how autistic, crazy, forgeted up, or otherwise inhuman you guys can be. I feel welcome here.

Games / You have 1 HP left.
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:18:00 AM »
What do you listen to before you go out?

>keep pounding that roostersucker with all you got
>make one mistake and he blows all your hp away
>he's on the verge of falling but so are you
>go into that panicked but zen state of mind where even your eyeballs feel like they're sweating

Off Topic / I'm so forgeted. Update: Page 2
« on: June 08, 2015, 10:09:53 AM »
House hasn't been paid for, we're on the verge of foreclosure, and the majority of our family are too poor or too stupid to take us in.

Let me start of at the beginning, this is probably going to be long.

When I was five, my mom wanted to move, very badly. I still don't know why, but we ended up going house hunting and found a nice house in a nice neighborhood. We'd have been able to pay it off if it weren't for my half-sister. I don't even consider her a sister, so I'll refer to her as "The Bitch." She got arrested due to something relating to drug trafficking, and the price to bail her out or get a lawyer for her was IMMENSE. We had to stop ourselves from selling our old house, because her house was foreclosed, and they didn't even read any of the papers, she thought that she'd get to live in her house for at least another year. That didn't happen, and the Sheriff forced her out of the house, with only what she could fit in her car.

So now the bitch is living in my old house, and my family can barely pay for our new one. The rest, I don't very much know, as I was 7 at the time. She moves out of our old house, we don't have money to pay for the new one, so we move BACK to the old house and re-sell the new one. Now her, being the dumb bitch that she is, she cheats on her boyfriend, which was a good man, with many different men. Eventually, she stopped on one man, lets call him "The cigarette" (He isn't gay, I just want to call him a cigarette.) Her boyfriend finds out, and kicks her out of the house, and so the bitch moves in with the cigarette, and live merrily ever after, right? Wrong. I was 10 during this.

My dad, he's gotten older, and can't do much heavy labor anymore. He used to build just about everything, from boats, to houses, to even our own porch, which used to be just an outcropping of concrete. Anyway, he loses his company due to some stuff that I don't know about, and turns to drugs. Not using them, but growing them. He's been working on a plantation for about 2 years now, and some idiot that got caught selling, decides to rat out a random laborer. That laborer was my dad. Legal problems happen, they find out that the cigarette was part of the same thing, my dad walks, but with huge fines, and the cigarette just got out of prison yesterday. We have had to pay for so much, just to lose it all, and now we can hardly buy groceries, let alone pay the mortgage.

My brother, he's another idiot. Lets call him "The Fatty." Now don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but I hate him at the same time. He graduated from school a full year ago, promising to find a job during the summer, but he lazed around doing nothing but playing league (Which he sucks at, he can't get out of silver! He's been playing for years!) and smoking weed with his friends. He's at his friend's house right now, probably doing both. My dad's outside, doing god knows what, and my mom's on her computer sobbing as she looks for houses and talks to the bank.

I feel useless right now, as I'm not even old enough to work, and I don't really have the strength and endurance to do yard work. My family is forgeted, all because of the bitch. My dad should have just let her rot in prison. My other sister is in jersey working her ass off to support herself, and even occasionally sens us some money. My other brother, directly related to the bitch, is a pigeon racer. I don't know how, but he earns money from it. He occasionally sends money our way, too.

I have no idea what to do right now. I want to punch the bitch in her stupid face and yell at her, but that won't solve anything. I can't do anything until I'm fifteen, and I turn that age at June Fifteenth. It's likely that we'll be kicked out of the house by then if some miracle doesn't happen. I have one place to go, and that's my friend's house. We're both going to the same school, so it could work. My parents could live with my grand-parents, because they have plenty of room, and plenty of food there, in the form of live poultry. My brother can just forget himself, I'm just about done caring about him if he doesn't care about earning money.

TL;DR: Got forgeted over by my half-sister, "The Bitch", and house is in foreclosure, and we don't have anywhere to go.

Off Topic / I dissected a rat today.
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:01:08 PM »
The smell in the room was horrible, it was a particularly nasty chemical smell that would have reminded one of a morgue. The teacher game my group a particularly large rat, and I assumed that it was because of it being bloated. Right after the first incision, a bunch of fluid began leaking out of the slit. After making the rest of the cuts to open up the rat, I rinsed it, and flipped it over to drain it. No one else in my group wanted to do any of the cutting, so I was the only one to ever even touch the scissors and scalpel.

During the dissection, we were tested on different parts, first, before the cutting, was the surface organs. Easy enough, teats, pinna, vibrisae, star fish. Then on the inside, we had to find the heart, lungs, trachea, and thymus gland. I didn't realize that I didn't cut through the ribs with the scalpel, so the teacher just came along and ripped it's ribs in half. Almost the entire period later, we finished with the abdomen portion of the dissection. Then we saw a bunch of spherical things within the rat, and the teacher said that it was pregnant. I thought those were kidneys at first, but after hearing that, I just stared at the cadaver in disbelief. I'm surprised I didn't puke after finding that out.

TL;DR: I dissected a rat and found out it was pregnant, almost puked.

Anyone else have dissection stories?

The general gist is that the adventurers are of divine parentage, but don't know of it, as they are born into the world as orphans, and that they were put there because of hell trying to take over the surface through demonic spires and goblin civilizations, with vaults being prisons for tainted angels, spires housing damned dead, goblins, and a demon overlord, with a sealed entrance to the roof of hell.

The roof of hell is pretty much just the DF hell that separates the earth and the actual hell.

Could you people think of anything I could add to make the campaign more !!FUN!! for the PCs?

Off Topic / My left eyebrow is twitching, and it's getting annoying.
« on: April 06, 2015, 01:03:12 PM »
It started yesterday, and I thought nothing of it. But since it's still happening today, I think it might be bad. It has little twitches every few seconds and it's getting on my nerves. (Which could possibly be part of the problem.) Keeping a finger on my eyebrow stops the twitching for as long as it's there, but a permanent solution to this would be preferable, as the constant twitching is giving me a headache.

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