Seeing the lucid dream thread reminded me of this... thing, for lack of a better word, that I've been trying to do as many nights as I can tolerate the slight diminish in length and quality of sleep.
Well, let me say that this first stems from my habit of journaling as much as I feel the need to and am compelled to. I didn't do it regularly until recently, and one night when it was particularly late and I was tired, I fell asleep whilst I was doing it. I journal on an old laptop in a
van seat that I have in the corner of my room. It's quite comfortable, so I pretty naturally drifted off to sleep after a long day.
I woke up two hours later with the laptop still on my lap. Only half awake and fighting to keep my eyes marginally open, I tapped out a sentence that basically said it was really late and I wanted to go to bed. The next time I sat down to journal, I read this borderline unintelligible script and found it extremely interesting. So I decided to do a little experiment.
I sat down to journal late that night with my journal. After chronicling the events of the day and my various musings, I set my laptop aside, still on, and let myself drift to sleep. Waking up two or three hours later, I picked up my laptop and immediately began to write about the dream I just had and any other random stuff that came to mind. The result was quite interesting, and I'm wanting to study more what the effects of this might be over the long term, perhaps if this is another method of obtaining lucid dreaming.
I've only successfully managed this once. I've attempted it three or four times, but every time I was so tired when I woke up that I instantly turned off the laptop and dove into bed.
What are your guys' thoughts on this?