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Topics - Sirrus

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Off Topic / The most devious facebook spam I've ever seen.
« on: March 19, 2011, 01:06:15 PM »

I saw this in my news feed, and for a second I thought it was a legitimate link to a video. It is so eerily close to an actual Facebook exchange that I wondered for a second if everyone involved wasn't just coincidentally speaking in a strange forced sounding mix of formal and informal English.

I think what finally tipped me off was that another one of my friends posted the exact same video with a similar exchange, and the two friends are completely unrelated. Also, the link linked to a Facebook app page and not Youtube, so yeah.

Old thread is old, locked, and poorly organized so I figured I'd repost this here.

Life and Death in the Capital Wasteland is a Fallout 3 fanfiction I've been working on for the past few weeks. It's currently has 7 chapters and just over 15,500 words. I think it's a smashing story and would like to get some more C&C, either on or on this thread. Either way, simply seeing a boost in hits is always a nice moral boost to keep working.

Tell me what you think.

Off Topic / AT&T Rolls out 150GB bandwidth caps.
« on: March 16, 2011, 08:16:21 PM »

Someone please come up with an intelligent argument about why the awful stuff that that article details (collapse of Netflix, strictly rationed bandwidth) won't happen, or why it won't be nearly as bad as what they describe, otherwise stuff's scary. Here's the best counterargument I could come up with.

Once and if bandwidth caps fall to a level where it would affect large swaths of the market, like, it would inhibit people's day to day activities, what's to stop a company from removing their bandwidth cap or a new ISP starting that doesn't have bandwidth caps? Pissed off customers would flock to that ISP, and then they control the customers and the money.

Off Topic / Would you rather? Megathread.
« on: March 15, 2011, 06:31:28 PM »
Hey cats. Similar to Tylales thread I've decided to start a "Would you rather?" poll thread. I'll come up with a new poll every couple of days or so and post the results of past polls below.

March 15- (current poll):
Would you rather:
  • Be extremely talented and never be publicly accepted.
  • Be extremely untalented but wealthy and loved.

Off Topic / iPod woes
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:05:23 AM »
My iPod Classic is completely unresponsive. Buttons aren't responding, the screen is off, I plug it into the computer and nothing happens.

It was recently charged, it's unlocked, and holding a variety of buttons for extended periods of time has done nothing. When it started doing this, I was using the stop watch. It seemed to completely arbitarily fall into this state.

Any idea what the hell's going on?

Off Topic / Sleepwriting
« on: March 12, 2011, 10:39:52 PM »
Seeing the lucid dream thread reminded me of this... thing, for lack of a better word, that I've been trying to do as many nights as I can tolerate the slight diminish in length and quality of sleep.

Well, let me say that this first stems from my habit of journaling as much as I feel the need to and am compelled to. I didn't do it regularly until recently, and one night when it was particularly late and I was tired, I fell asleep whilst I was doing it. I journal on an old laptop in a van seat that I have in the corner of my room. It's quite comfortable, so I pretty naturally drifted off to sleep after a long day.

I woke up two hours later with the laptop still on my lap. Only half awake and fighting to keep my eyes marginally open, I tapped out a sentence that basically said it was really late and I wanted to go to bed. The next time I sat down to journal, I read this borderline unintelligible script and found it extremely interesting. So I decided to do a little experiment.

I sat down to journal late that night with my journal. After chronicling the events of the day and my various musings, I set my laptop aside, still on, and let myself drift to sleep. Waking up two or three hours later, I picked up my laptop and immediately began to write about the dream I just had and any other random stuff that came to mind. The result was quite interesting, and I'm wanting to study more what the effects of this might be over the long term, perhaps if this is another method of obtaining lucid dreaming.

I've only successfully managed this once. I've attempted it three or four times, but every time I was so tired when I woke up that I instantly turned off the laptop and dove into bed.

What are your guys' thoughts on this?

Off Topic / Post your desktop area
« on: March 06, 2011, 03:40:08 PM »
Yes, time for another one of these threads.

Off Topic / Question about transferring records onto computer
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:40:53 PM »
So, I am thinking about transferring my 33s onto my computer, but I don't have one of them fancy USB turntables. Is there some setup where I could record on my computer in stereo, or would I have to record each channel separately? Like, only have right channel out for first recording, start the record over with the left channel recording and then line up the tracks in Audacity.

Off Topic / Sirrus' list of uncool people
« on: March 05, 2011, 08:21:37 PM »
Everyone except Ike who made a "list of cool people" thread.

Off Topic / Above the influence commercial.
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:09:20 PM »

Why does a commercial that advocates not doing drugs look like it was conceived, filmed, and acted in by people that are on drugs?

Off Topic / Forum member's sleep schedules.
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:38:02 AM »
I'm a little surprised that now, at 9:46am EST there's the same amount or perhaps slightly less members online than right before I went to bed at 2:30 last night (this morning?) Regardless of how many members are online, the forums are definitely more stagnant in the daylight morning than "ahh why the forget is it so late" morning.


Off Topic / Shot put.
« on: February 24, 2011, 07:37:08 PM »
Today was the first day in track practice that I got to shot put, what I'm thinking my main event will be this track & field season.

Anyone else shot put? Discuss how awesome the previous mentioned event is.

Off Topic / What's the red on the Off Topic?
« on: February 23, 2011, 07:45:05 PM »
Anyone else getting this?

Off Topic / Nip/Tuck
« on: February 20, 2011, 10:44:43 PM »
Just finished watching all six seasons on Netflix. Amazing show, the ending, as endings of long running shows usually are, was a little sad.

Anyone else watch this show?

Creativity / Some notes.
« on: February 19, 2011, 10:21:07 PM »
This is almost seven minutes of me banging on my bass in sometimes repetitive, but almost entirely mostly kind of sort of perhaps pleasing to the ears. You may even recognize some of the note sequences from your favorite tunes that you kids listen to on your walkmans.

All of this is made up on the spot except for the parts that aren't.

some notes.

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