This post will be ironic and partially hypocritical as hell, but hang with me. It's also late as forget and I'm potent with contempt for American society, lowered inhibitions that normally prevent this kind of whining and an unusual 2:20 a.m. eloquence.
What the hell is with this Ted Williams guy? (For those of you who have avoided this,
here is the video that started all this).
First of all, allow me to say that I don't give two stuffs about this guy. This is more or less solely criticism of the bored, stupid American public that allows something like this to happen.
This all started for me earlier this week (probably Monday) when my Lit teacher played the video of this guy on the side of the road and was talking about how inspiring and great it was. I thought to myself "okay, that's cool for him, I guess it's nice that things are looking up for him". Then I saw somewhere that he was going to be on Oprah or some stuff reuniting with his estranged mother. At this point I thought "okay, that's cool, Oprah and her fans eat this stuff up, whatever, it'll be all touchy feely sentimental, cool, but I thought we were done with this guy."
Then I had my TV on at 2 am for some reason and glanced over to see "The Insider" with a story about Ted Williams spiraling to rehab and they had a whole spread about the rehab clinic he was going to and whatnot.
What the forget? Just, why the
forget do we care so damn much? I don't know if I want answers or for someone to tell me that they give as little of a forget as I do, but I'm just trying to rationalize why someone who
no one knew ten days ago is now the next center of American media attention. Normally this stuff is reserved for the starlets that do coke and self destruct and add nothing valuable to society.
Are we so loving bored that we just want to sit around and feel good about ourselves, but not have false optimism about the abilities of any mortal man?
I mean, I'm not entirely convinced that this guy isn't some loving Orwellian fabrication of a man- it's just too damn perfect. We're set up with a viral video that we watch when we're bored at work or school. Aww, it's a homeless guy that has something good happen to him! Not everything is bad, some people are good! Then we see things go right for him, and uh-oh, things aren't going so good for me, and wham! We watch him spiral and relapse into alcoholism! Now he's in rehab! Ha! The public wins, at least I'm not THAT guy! At least I'm not a drunk homeless guy who doesn't know an oppurtunity when it is literally plastered on damn near every TV and computer screen! Bad stuff happens to OTHER people too!
Oh, and mind you, this wasn't several months after he became mildly successful, was forgotten, and then in two and a half months everyone has to be reminded who he is. This is within
two loving weeks of him pissing and sleeping in the same place. At some points, I wonder how their was
physically enough time in the day for this guy to have gone through everything that this oh so ravishing story promises.
What the forget America. Just, gah, this pisses me off.