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Messages - Sirrus

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Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 02:03:04 AM »
I'm not saying college is bullstuff. I'm saying that using "I HABE A DEGREE" to put yourself above others in an argument without application is a surefire way to make yourself look stupid.

One step below "look at my IQ", ok, I'll give you that.

But, ok, alright. I'm in college. It's kid of awesome. It's giving me hella insight on topics and the process of thinking. I'm on a forum of mostly high school and maybe some middle school students. At some point I just want to go "agrrghrghrghargarghrgha just stop just grow older or think about this better or something you sound like I did when I was your age and I was a twat aaargagahgrhaurgharugha"

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:58:53 AM »
I'd like to point out that this is bullstuff. You paid for a piece of paper. Good for you. The only thing that will have me respect any point of authority is if they can appropriately apply their knowledge. Do something in that field with research and then come back and say you have authority over this information.

Oh my god loving dammit I pay attention in my classes, I go to college because I'm learning a holy stuffton, and moreso I'm learning how to think, how to substantiate an argument, how to build an argument, I'm building a base of knowledge in my field.

Yes there are people who go to college and mostly just get a piece of paper, but the whole "o college is bullstuff" argument is a bit overstated: college is whatever you make it to be and goddamn I'm tearing into it and loving it. It's not an inherently bullstuff institution.

Also, I said "modicum" of authority. I am somewhat versed in evolutionary theory, biological concepts, terms, etc. You don't have to be a loving biologist to be able to speak with some base of knowledge in the topic.

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:51:19 AM »
Queer was originated as a offensive word, but the LGBTQA community has turned its meaning around as an umbrella term.
The whole idea of "reclaiming words" is so inane to me.

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:50:01 AM »
Yeah let's accomplish solving an entire social problem by posting about it on a forum full of teens.
I don't see this as accomplishing anything so much as just jumping in a cage full of monkeys to join them in throwing stuff at each other for a while. and then stuff gets in my eyes and I realize I have better things to do and go take a shower.

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:48:09 AM »
In college your teachers are going to ask for sources to back up your claims. If you tell them "just google it" you will most likely see a 0 on your paper.
oh my god the first thing I learned in my freshman college english class was the difference between the bullstuff people did in high school to substantiate "arguments" and something of any academic or argumentative merit.

I think our state of overpopulation calls for not needing to reproduce more if they don't want to.
ok great, don't have babies. love=/=more babies and not wanting babies=/=aloveual

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:44:59 AM »
If someone is so intensely introverted that they're not interested in ever having love, that's a pyschological disorder which effectively causes sterility, it's not a goddamn thing we need to wave a flag for.

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:43:15 AM »
OK I guess
I mean I know that everyone will still be able to reproduce no matter their loveuality, but like you said, their lack of interest of passing on their genes is what I define as aloveual
sorry if I got the wrong thing out of that, it 2 am here and I'm tired
I am not currently interested in having love


Or are aloveual people trying to evolve loneliness into a movement where they feel accepted and form a tight group and maybe strike up a friendship with...

...someone they can have love with.

Ah, carry on.

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:36:41 AM »
ok? that's what you believe then I guess you can believe that.

Let me talk some biology at you because unlike I'm guessing most of the forum I've graduated high school and am also earning a bachelor's degree, which is kind of cool, because it allows me to speak with a modicum authority on certain things.

There's a theory called evolution by natural selection, which dictates that traits which lead to people successfully reproducing are generally passed on and will usually become more predominant in a population over time.

...skipping a lot of stuff in the middle, being able to successfully reproduce can't even exactly be called something that's evolutionarily selected for because it's more of the literal biological meaning of life.

Sterility is one thing. I strongly, strongly doubt (although I can't speak with -absolute authority- on this, though I'm making what's called an educated guess) that there are no human beings with fully biologically functioning reproductive systems that feel absolutely no need or desire to pass on their genes.

loving and eating, and facilitating those actions drive basically everything we do.

You can type in, right?
of loving course, but I'm trying to teach a lesson in the school of "when you use the phrase 'proven fact', it's generally good to have a peer reviewed article or extensive knowledge and practice in the field"

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:30:45 AM »
Gender has been proven to only correlate with the brain, not with what you have between you legs.

Links to "proof"????

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:29:24 AM »
I honestly thought that the QA stood for qeustions-answers
I thought that the QA stood for Qualitative Assessment

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:27:42 AM »
I don't know if I made myself clear, *ahem*, allow me.

I am virgin, doe :c

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:25:13 AM »
because we have loveual-fluid or gender-fluid people who says that their gender is changing constantly or something

a.k.a "there are no exceptions until we need one"

Frankly I check my genitals every morning to make sure I've still got my parts on right.

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:20:35 AM »
Look, who hasn't seen a hunk on the bus and though "mmm, I wanna sit on your lap"?

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:18:59 AM »
man kids are so forgetn weird these days I swear

Off Topic / Re: LGBTQA megathread!
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:16:45 AM »
Why can't we just stick is "Homoloveual, Heteroloveual, Biloveual, and Queer."?

Jesus christ why do we need omnipolyfabguymalefaniloveual lybinexominniloveual.

b/c every1 is unique flower ofc.


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