« on: February 28, 2014, 11:17:24 PM »
haha yeah it's not entirely awful. The way the program at my school is set up is that you have to do a year of general art education which includes four 3 credit studios: Drawing, Time (any art which happens over a period of time, so sound, video, animation, performance, etc.) Surface (very open ended, but boils down to non drawing 2D work) and Space (sculpture and extended media type stuff).
Basically it's a very learn by doing process. The professor gives you an assignment, shows you artists, you talk about art and the art making process, and then they give you feedback and guide you through the process of making a thing (including technical instruction when relevant) and then the class critiques each piece when it's done.
After the first year (which also includes a year of art history, two project classes in any departments of your choosing, and any other general university electives you'd like to take), you apply to one of the departments within the school of art with the stuff you made that year.