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Topics - Darksaber2213

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 [9]
I was planning on making a jail RP that would be moderated by a script instead of admins to enforce no freekilling.
My idea is to have a crime system, so that when you enter a zone, an event triggers, increasing your crime by 1.
So, if you can detect when a player dies, check if that player had a crime level, and if he didnt, kill the player that killed the innocent and warn him.

So after like 3 freekills, the player would be kicked, then banned, and so on.

My problem is how to get the killer and the victim?

Suggestions & Requests / Fill Printer
« on: July 25, 2013, 12:50:07 AM »
Perhaps a Blue* printer that prints all of the nearby print bricks with a single print?
Idea: use some of the fill can's code?

Modification Help / Basic Milkshape3D Tutorial
« on: July 23, 2013, 08:25:10 PM »
I understand that some people dont know how to model, and most of the tutorials are for blender or are too complex.
I decided to make this tutorial that covers basic subjects such as
  • Moving a model (or part of it)
  • Coloring a model
  • Flatshading (the easy way!)
  • Other fun stuff too!

Moving an object!

In the "Model" tab, click "select" then click "vertex" at the bottom.

Drag your selection box around the desired vertices. It can be as big as all of the vertices or just one vertex!
Get your vertices selected, then, still in the "Model" tab, click on move.

Drag mouse.

Before moving.

After moving.

Coloring an object

First, navagate to the "materials panel" and click "new" to create a new material!

If you want to see your color, click on "diffusive" and then choose your color. We will be choosing yellow for this model.

Navagate to the "groups" tab and select your model. It will show up red in the windows.

Return to the  "materials" tab with your model still selected and click assign.



More coming soon!

General Discussion / Apparently Blockland is still 50% off?
« on: July 23, 2013, 04:46:23 PM »

General Discussion / Badspot's Block Party?
« on: July 19, 2013, 04:24:59 PM »


Everyone on the server is complaining about major lag spikes
What is going on?
Is Badspot DL'ing research?

Add-Ons / Dovahkiin - DRAGONBORN
« on: July 10, 2013, 04:44:37 PM »
I present to you

Show your Dragonborn heritage by wearing the IRON HELMET from The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim

say /dovahkiin to put it on
say /dovahkiin again to take it off

(plays a fus ro dah sound when equipped and some of the song)


Forum Games / [Deeper Depths] - Chapter [5] - Level UP!
« on: July 06, 2013, 09:30:14 PM »
Deeper Depths

It is the year 1016 and you have arrived on the island of Falcon-Shore after a particularly turbulent boat ride. You have brought
the Virgin Sword and 2 potions of restore defense with you.

How to play
There will be a map supplied in the topic that will be numbered "A" - "P" and "1" - "16".
You can do a multitude of actions, just a few being:
  • Suggesting Map Moves
  • Suggesting Actions (pick up item, fight monster, drink potion etc.)
  • Battle commands (use sword on spider, block with shield, etc.)
Multiple items (subcategory to How to Play)
You can carry up to 5 items in a stack. How many of an item you have will be displayed by these:

You cannot carry more than 5 items at once

This icon means that the item is currently equipped.

This icon means the item is permanently equipped and can not be unequipped or dropped.

This is you.

You are a 16 year old male with a taste for adventure and TREASURE. Your goal on this island is to explore and find the
lost treasure of Falcon-Shore Island.

Current Inventory
[Slots Left: 3/5] (does not include armor, worn items & equipped weapon)

Upgraded Pack (Effect when equipped: increases inventory space to 7 items)

The Virgin Sword (Effect when equipped & used: adds 3 damage to skill damage)

Potion of Restore Defense (Effect when used: completely restores your defense)

Map (overworld)

Coin Bag

Quest Journal (Quests)

Critical Necklace (Effect when equipped: gives a 33% chance for a critical hit)

Map (Temple of Gern-Do'Alt)

Current Stats
Attack Stats: [8] [5(skill) + 3(Virgin Sword)]
Defense Stats: [1/5]
Health Stats: [15/15]

Gold: [13]

Name: [Mark]

Level: [3]
Current XP: [175] (reach 225 for level 3)


Red Square = Dungeon Entrance
Brown Square = Possible treasure location
Purple Square = Starting Location

Movement Rules:
  • You may only move to a space adjacent to the current location (if you are at C - 5, you can not move to L - 7, but you can move to D - 5 or C- 6 and so on)
  • You can not stand in the sea or on top of any gray area.
Each movement has a small chance to be an enemy encounter or item find.

  • Defeat the boss of Gern-Do'Alt. (+75 exp)

Small note: It can take a long time to do a fairly large sized image or even a small one, so dont expect me to pop right up and say "ooh heres a new image and text block" in 1 second after you make a request.

Forum Games / -oops-
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:07:46 PM »
-waiting, this isn't quite ready yet-

Modification Help / How do variables work?
« on: June 21, 2013, 11:06:38 PM »
How would you go about setting a variable
I have this variable:

Code: [Select]
How do you set it to 2?
I tried using this

function ServerCmdEnablePie(%client)
if(%client.pieEnabled = 2);
   messageclient(%client,"","<color:FFFF00>You are already allowed to eat pie.");
            messageall("",""<color:FFFF00> @ @ " is now allowed to eat pie!");
         messageclient(%client,"","<color:FFFF00>You are now allowed to eat pie.");
         %client.pieEnabled = 2;
Would that work for setting it to 2?

Here is the full code if you are interested
Code: [Select]
Package pie
function ServerCmdEnablePie(%client)
if(%client.pieEnabled = 2);
messageclient(%client,"","<color:FFFF00>You are already allowed to eat pie.");
            messageall("",""<color:FFFF00> @ @ " is now allowed to eat pie!");
messageclient(%client,"","<color:FFFF00>You are now allowed to eat pie.");
%client.pieEnabled = 2;

Package pies
function ServerCmdEatpie(%client)
if(%client.pieEnabled = 2);
messageall("",""<color:FFFF00> @ @ " ate some pie!");
messageclient(%client,"","<color:FFFF00>You ate some pie.");
messageclient(%client,"","<color:FFFF00>You are not awesome enough to eat pie.");

Also, do I have the correct args such as
Code: [Select]
%client or do I need
Code: [Select]
%this too.

Off Topic / Its mah birthdaye
« on: June 16, 2013, 07:12:14 PM »
Hello forums
I want to celebrate this JOYOUS OCCASION by informing you that today is a day of great importance.
Mah b-daye is todaye


Modification Help / stateTransitionOnTriggerDown
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:22:26 PM »
Code: [Select]
stateName[1] = "Ready";
stateScript[1] = "onReady"
stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[1] = "Charge";
stateAllowImageChange[1] = true;
Console log:

Code: [Select]
^stateName[1]^^^= "Ready";

^stateScript[1]^^^= "onReady"

^stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[##1##]^= "Charge";

^stateAllowImageChange[1]^= true;

What's going on here

Modification Help / Goliath PowerUp not working
« on: May 30, 2013, 01:07:36 AM »
Code: [Select]
datablock itemData(Goliath_PowerUp : printGun)
image = "";
uiName = "PowerUp - Goliath";
shapeFile = "./BigBlocko.dts";
BoostFunction = "Goliath";
PowerUp = true;
function Player::PowerUp_Goliath(%this,%player,%obj)
%megaHealth = %player.getDatablock().maxDamage * 1.00;
%player.setplayerscale("4 4 4");
package Goliath
   function Armor::damage(%this, %obj, %sourceObject, %position, %damage, %damageType)
         %damage/= 1.50; //Change Damage Taken
Parent::damage(%this, %obj, %sourceObject, %position, %damage, %damageType);

These parts are particually annoying me
Code: [Select]
%player.setplayerscale("4 4 4");
%megaHealth = %player.getDatablock().maxDamage * 1.00;

Code: [Select]
%player.setplayerscale("4 4 4");
Ive also tried
Code: [Select]
%obj.setplayerscale("4 4 4");

from the console log:
Code: [Select]
Add-Ons/PowerUp_Goliath/Goliath.cs (11): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getDataBlock'
BackTrace: ->[ZombieOverwritePackage]armor::OnCollision->[holeZombiePackage]armor::OnCollision->[BotHolePackage]armor::OnCollision->[PillPackage]armor::OnCollision->[PorkPackage]armor::OnCollision->[RedPotionPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanBPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanGPackage]armor::OnCollision->[sportBallsPackage]armor::OnCollision->[BlackholePackage]armor::OnCollision->[MagicFire]armor::OnCollision->[fragGrenadePackage]armor::OnCollision->[HEGrenadePackage]armor::OnCollision->armor::OnCollision->[ItemPickup]Player::pickup->[Shield]Player::pickup->ShapeBase::pickup->Weapon::onPickup->[PowerUps]ItemData::onPickup->Player::PowerUp_Goliath

Add-Ons/PowerUp_Goliath/Goliath.cs (12): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'addhealth'
BackTrace: ->[ZombieOverwritePackage]armor::OnCollision->[holeZombiePackage]armor::OnCollision->[BotHolePackage]armor::OnCollision->[PillPackage]armor::OnCollision->[PorkPackage]armor::OnCollision->[RedPotionPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanBPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanGPackage]armor::OnCollision->[sportBallsPackage]armor::OnCollision->[BlackholePackage]armor::OnCollision->[MagicFire]armor::OnCollision->[fragGrenadePackage]armor::OnCollision->[HEGrenadePackage]armor::OnCollision->armor::OnCollision->[ItemPickup]Player::pickup->[Shield]Player::pickup->ShapeBase::pickup->Weapon::onPickup->[PowerUps]ItemData::onPickup->Player::PowerUp_Goliath

Add-Ons/PowerUp_Goliath/Goliath.cs (13): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'SetPlayerScale'
BackTrace: ->[ZombieOverwritePackage]armor::OnCollision->[holeZombiePackage]armor::OnCollision->[BotHolePackage]armor::OnCollision->[PillPackage]armor::OnCollision->[PorkPackage]armor::OnCollision->[RedPotionPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanBPackage]armor::OnCollision->[SodaCanGPackage]armor::OnCollision->[sportBallsPackage]armor::OnCollision->[BlackholePackage]armor::OnCollision->[MagicFire]armor::OnCollision->[fragGrenadePackage]armor::OnCollision->[HEGrenadePackage]armor::OnCollision->armor::OnCollision->[ItemPickup]Player::pickup->[Shield]Player::pickup->ShapeBase::pickup->Weapon::onPickup->[PowerUps]ItemData::onPickup->Player::PowerUp_Goliath


Off Topic / Where did those lasers go?
« on: May 26, 2013, 04:00:52 AM »
Hold on guys. Does anyone know where those laser beams from this:

and this:

They were fired but didn't hit anything...

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