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Topics - ultimamax

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 23
Modification Help / This code crashes blockland. Help!
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:30:53 PM »
//when somebody talks
//cancel sched
//sched a random chatter phrase
package httpPage
   function httpPage::init(%this, %url) {
       %host = "";
       %page = "";

       if(strpos(%url, "http://") == 0)
         %host = getSubStr(%url, 7, strpos(%url, "/", 8) - 7);
         %page = getSubStr(%url, strpos(%url, "/", 8), $MAX_HTTP_QUERY_STRING);
         %host = getSubStr(%url, 0, strpos(%url, "/", 8));
         %page = getSubStr(%url, strpos(%url, "/"));

       if(strpos(%host, ":") < 0) %host = %host @ ":" @ "80";
       %this.Address = %host;
       %this.Page = %page;
   function httpPage::get(%this, %url)
      echo("before buffer");
       %this.Buffer = "";
      %this.doBuffer = false;
      echo("before init");
       echo("Connecting to: " @ %this.Address @ %this.Page);
       %this.Method = "GET";
   function httpPage::post(%this, %url, %data)
      %this.Data = "";
      if(isObject(%data)) {
         echo("Data is Object: true");
         for(%x = 0; %x < %data.getCount(); %x++) {
            %datum = %data.getObject(%x);
            if(strlen(%postData) > 0) %postData = %postData @ "&";
            %this.Data = %datum.key @ "=" @ %datum.value;
      } else {
         echo("Data is Object: false");
         %this.Data = %data;
      echo("Data: " @ %this.Data);
      echo("%data: " @ %data);
      echo("Connecting to: " @ %this.Address @ %this.Page);
      %this.Method = "POST";
   function httpPage::onConnected(%this)
       echo("Connected ...");
      %query = %this.Method @ " " @ @ " HTTP/1.0\nHost: " @ %this.Address;
       if(%this.Method $= "POST") {
          %query = %query @ "\n" @ "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n";
          %query = %query @ "Content-Length: " @ strlen(%this.Data) @ "\n\n";
          %query = %query @ %this.Data @ "\n";
      } else {
         %query = %query @ "\n\n";
      echo("QUERY: " @ %query);
   function httpPage::onLine(%this, %line)
       echo("LINE: " @ %line);
       if(!%this.doBuffer && %line $= "") { %this.doBuffer = true; return; }
         echo("BUFFER: " @ %line);
         if(%this.Buffer !$= "") %this.Buffer = %this.Buffer @ "\n";
         %this.Buffer = %this.Buffer @ %line;
   function httpPage::getResult(%this)
       return %this.Buffer;
   function httpPage::onDisconnect(%this)
      echo("Disconnected: " @ %this.Address);
   function httpPage::onConnectFailed(%this)
       echo("Connection Failed: " @ %this.Address);

package chatterBot
   function serverCmdMessageSent(%cl, %msg)
      serverCmdMessageSent(%cl, %msg);
      $chatterSched = schedule($Chatterbot.TimeBetween,0,printChatter());

   function chatterbotInit()
      $Chatterbot.TimeBetween = 1000;//ms
      new TCPObject(httpPage) { };

   function printChatter()


new httpObject(httpObj);

//Consider turning this into a server-mod? (if released, this would be a very annoying client mod probably)

It crashes when I run printChatter(). In my console.log, it doesn't even get to a single echo statement that I placed.

edit: and I do understand it's a server mod even though comments and whatnot might say it

Modification Help / RTB replacement?
« on: February 08, 2014, 10:40:46 AM »
Given that Workshop integration isn't being worked on (to my knowledge) a replacement should be written for RTB.

Features that steam does not offer:
Server Prefs
Auto-admin, granting admin
Server options
Add-on hosting

I know a bit of torquescript, but I'm definitely not experienced enough to write most of this. (I could probably make the server prefs GUI, but i'm a stuff designer)

If you are interested, reply. If you are already working on a replacement, talk about it here, so we can rally together some developers and make it happen.

edit: We could also recycle the source. We don't have his backend server code but I assume it's not too complex

Off Topic / Help me, o computer masters
« on: February 03, 2014, 06:09:33 PM »
When I try to boot Windows 8 from grub, I get "unknown command 'drivemap'. invalid efi file path". It's on an ASUS laptop with an Aptios Setup Utility BIOS, x64. Here's a boot report I did with Boot Repair. The distro is Ubuntu 12.04.


Suggestions & Requests / [MOD HUNT] Right-click parkour playertype
« on: January 28, 2014, 09:38:58 AM »
It was pretty basic: right click was wall climb, right clicking a ledge was a ledge grab, and pressing space while facing away from a wall in midair was a wall jump.

Does anyone remember what it was?s

Modification Help / Why does this work?
« on: January 01, 2014, 03:31:41 PM »
function autoClick(){cancel($autSch);mousefire(1);$autSch=schedule(30,0,mousefire,0);}
For some reason this is an autoclicker. I don't understand how it functions this way without recursion.

General Discussion / Xang's Rocket Jumping TDM
« on: December 30, 2013, 08:05:33 PM »
That's right, it's back.

Xang's Rocket Jumping TDM

This server is a revival of the ORGY clan's old rocket jumping TDM. I'd like to thank Manty for finding the build and getting the jumper add-on for me.


Don't be an starfish
No aimbotting
No bugs/exploits
If you are excessively homophobic/tribal, keep it to yourself

Games / Civ friends (BNW)
« on: December 28, 2013, 09:30:05 PM »
Looking to make a group of 3-6 people to play Civ 5, probably BNW, but not required
Follow this format:
DLCs in possession
Do you have a mic?
Steam/Skype username

General Discussion / Xang's Rocket Launcher DM?
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:44:44 PM »
I remember a DM from a while back, hosted by Xang's ORGY clan. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had the build? It was a boxed in city skyline, and you would rocket between the buildings. The ground was instadeath. I kinda want to rehost it.

BTW, if anybody is in contact with Xang or any of the other clan members let me know.

Help / Holding Q + A opens the steam overlay.
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:54:10 PM »
When I hold Q and press A, the steam overlay opens. afaik it's not a client script, i haven't installed a third party script since the last update. i'm pretty sure it's not third party either (autohotkey yes, but i haven't written scripts with either Q and A or Ctrl and Tab)

Help / ForceRequiredAddon
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:58:31 PM »
ForceRequiredAddon is reporting that I don't have a mod that clearly exists. (Gamemode_Slayer)

Add-Ons / RTB ID Lookup
« on: December 03, 2013, 05:11:05 PM »
RTB ID Lookup

It's a server script that pulls ID data from the RTB id lookup system. In order to use it, you can type "id ##" or /lookupID ##.

To get more information, type /idLookup (confusing I know)

Planned features

  • name history
  • a client sided version

Do you have suggestions? Leave them below. This is my first public script and I am glad to receive constructive criticism.


What the people think
i like

Modification Help / The master server?
« on: December 03, 2013, 09:38:23 AM »
I know the server list is hosted on this domain somewhere. Where can I find it?

Modification Help / RTB api
« on: December 01, 2013, 09:12:15 PM »

so does rtb actually have an API? (or a planned one?)

i'd really love to write an ID lookup server script

Off Topic / $1 free shipping mousepads
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:41:50 PM »

How to do:

What should design should I use?

Modification Help / Unexplainable syntax error?
« on: November 28, 2013, 01:08:44 PM »
I'm getting a strange syntax error at the beginning of my script.

Yes, my script has a p at the beginning. Yes I saved it. I don't know why it's removing the p, or if that's just some formatting thing, or if it even matters. Either way, I can't really explain this syntax error.

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