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IntroSo, after a long time of roaming servers and only occasionally coming across a truly unique server I thought it might be nice to transfer the ideas from one of my all-time favourite maps on Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory, BaseRace.
This map combined my enjoyment of the Wolfenstein gameplay with a somewhat unique take on the CTF gamemode.
The BasicsEffectively, the idea is a trench based capture the flag with a twist.
When flags are returned to your own "base" you can take the flag to specific "capture points" which then, based on your choice of capture point, can upgrade certain aspects of your "base". This could be weapon upgrades for the team, defences etc.
The DetailsLayout
This is (very roughly) the ground plan of what the map would look like. The large black areas represent the respective bases.
The red/blue ovals represent the "flags" aka "construction materials", these are what must be taken to capture points.
The black box in the middle represents a sort of "bombed out outpost" which although, you can't control it is an amazing sniper point.
The brown areas, very roughly represent trenches.
BonusesEach capture point can have a maximum of 4 levels, which would be as follows
WallsLvl 0 - Nothing, there are no walls around the base
Lvl 1 - Chainmail, this is climbable but you can shoot through it, making enemies easy targets.
Lvl 2 - Barbed wire, also still climbable and you can still shoot through it, however it slowly damages enemies
Lvl 3 - Solid wall - Not climbable and cannot shoot through
Lvl 4 - Advanced Solid Wall - As level 3 but also includes a "shelf" for defensive position, possibly with an MG every so often.
Medic ShackLvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Building appears with slowly re-spawning "health packs"
Lvl 2 - The health packs re-spawn quicker
Lvl 3 - Medic weapon or two spawn
Lvl 4 - Possible health increase for whole team?
ArsenalLvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic ammo stock or a few simple weapons
Lvl 2 - More upgraded weapons
Lvl 3 - Increased player slot amount
Lvl 4 - Highest tier weapons, possibly some defensive ones as well.
Covert Operations BaseLvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic sniper is spawned
Lvl 2 - Better sniper spawned
Lvl 3 - Players can now enter opposing-only team doors.
Lvl 4 - Players can use a "covert-op transport pad" which transports them into the heart of the enemy base
Spawn PointLvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic cover over the top of spawn to avoid mortar fire
Lvl 2 - Decrease spawn time
Lvl 3 - Decrease spawn time
Lvl 4 - Have a new possibility to spawn half way across the map
Defensive TowerLvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic single level tower with just a platform to shoot from
Lvl 2 - Basic double level tower with just a platform to shoot from
Lvl 3 - One MG on each level
Lvl 4 - Rocket launcher attached to tower that can be occasionally used
GatehouseLvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - "Bunker" appears on top of the gate, with cover and positions to fire from.
Lvl 2 - Bunker can join to the "shelves" around the walls and single MG spawns
Lvl 3 - Two MGs and slowly re-spawning health stand IF Medic Shack is at least level 1
Lvl 4 - Occasionally usable rocket launcher, and faster re-spawning health stand if Medic Shack is level 2.
Engineering ShackLvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Decrease dynamite cooldown (dynamite is used to break into certain back-ways into enemy base.
Lvl 2 - Sparse defensive mine placement
Lvl 3 - Many defensive mine placement and an occasional mortar bombard of enemy base.
Lvl 4 - Decreased rocket launcher re-spawn time
Mods RequiredThis is going to be the list of mods that I believe I will need to include on the server. I will edit this as and when needed.
BricksWedge BricksOne Random Brick PackPole BricksExtra RampsInverted CornerJVSPretty ThingsWeather EmmitersBuilding HelpersDuplicatorFill CanColoursetYuki-tasticEventsVCEMinigame EventsWeaponsBasic Sniper of some kind
Advanced sniper (Military sniper?)
HE Grenade
RPG of some kind
If I can get a decent mortar of some kind it'd be cool.
Medic weapons of some kind
VehiclesThe mounted MG Vehicle
Those with links are currently enabled.
The TeamMembersZenloth - 4515 - ME!
ApplicationsI could do with help building and possibly eventing (scripting would make things a lot easier but I think I can manage most things with events).
Just give an example of your building style and ability and I'll get back to you =]
Any suggestions are always welcome.
Thank you for your time.