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Messages - zenloth

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Somewhat of a bump for updated OP; my server is up and I will be starting work on it shortly.

At some point I'll snaz up the OP and maybe get some pictures/logos etc.

What I have listed as upgrades at the moment are very similar to the original game's upgrades; obviously blockland is not a fps and things will have to be balanced accordingly.

Few basic images added.

Well, the idea with covert level 4 was that you would still have to escape the enemy base, with the construction tools and run all the way back to your base. Also spawn protection of the enemy would mean that even if you tried to spam spawn kill  while someone else grabbed construction materials it wouldn't work for very long, if at all.

There will be a long period of tweaking and such, I will start building probably on wednesday or thursday; when my uber long work shifts have finished.

General Discussion / Re: Dedicated Hosting Service (American server)
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:52:37 PM »
What if our countries money currency is different than yours?
Paypal sorts that stuff out.

Insert Snazzy Logo

So, after a long time of roaming servers and only occasionally coming across a truly unique server I thought it might be nice to transfer the ideas from one of my all-time favourite maps on Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory, BaseRace.

This map combined my enjoyment of the Wolfenstein gameplay with a somewhat unique take on the CTF gamemode.

The Basics
Effectively, the idea is a trench based capture the flag with a twist.

When flags are returned to your own "base" you can take the flag to specific "capture points" which then, based on your choice of capture point, can upgrade certain aspects of your "base". This could be weapon upgrades for the team, defences etc.

The Details


This is (very roughly) the ground plan of what the map would look like. The large black areas represent the respective bases.

The red/blue ovals represent the "flags" aka "construction materials", these are what must be taken to capture points.

The black box in the middle represents a sort of "bombed out outpost" which although, you can't control it is an amazing sniper point.

The brown areas, very roughly represent trenches.


Each capture point can have a maximum of 4 levels, which would be as follows

Lvl 0 - Nothing, there are no walls around the base
Lvl 1 - Chainmail, this is climbable but you can shoot through it, making enemies easy targets.
Lvl 2 - Barbed wire, also still climbable and you can still shoot through it, however it slowly damages enemies
Lvl 3 - Solid wall - Not climbable and cannot shoot through
Lvl 4 - Advanced Solid Wall - As level 3 but also includes a "shelf" for defensive position, possibly with an MG every so often.

Medic Shack
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Building appears with slowly re-spawning "health packs"
Lvl 2 - The health packs re-spawn quicker
Lvl 3 - Medic weapon or two spawn
Lvl 4 - Possible health increase for whole team?

Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic ammo stock or a few simple weapons
Lvl 2 - More upgraded weapons
Lvl 3 - Increased player slot amount
Lvl 4 - Highest tier weapons, possibly some defensive ones as well.

Covert Operations Base
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic sniper is spawned
Lvl 2 - Better sniper spawned
Lvl 3 - Players can now enter opposing-only team doors.
Lvl 4 - Players can use a "covert-op transport pad" which transports them into the heart of the enemy base

Spawn Point
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic cover over the top of spawn to avoid mortar fire
Lvl 2 - Decrease spawn time
Lvl 3 - Decrease spawn time
Lvl 4 - Have a new possibility to spawn half way across the map

Defensive Tower
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic single level tower with just a platform to shoot from
Lvl 2 - Basic double level tower with just a platform to shoot from
Lvl 3 - One MG on each level
Lvl 4 - Rocket launcher attached to tower that can be occasionally used

Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - "Bunker" appears on top of the gate, with cover and positions to fire from.
Lvl 2 - Bunker can join to the "shelves" around the walls and single MG spawns
Lvl 3 - Two MGs and slowly re-spawning health stand IF Medic Shack is at least level 1
Lvl 4 - Occasionally usable rocket launcher, and faster re-spawning health stand if Medic Shack is level 2.

Engineering Shack
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Decrease dynamite cooldown (dynamite is used to break into certain back-ways into enemy base.
Lvl 2 - Sparse defensive mine placement
Lvl 3 - Many defensive mine placement and an occasional mortar bombard of enemy base.
Lvl 4 - Decreased rocket launcher re-spawn time

Mods Required
This is going to be the list of mods that I believe I will need to include on the server. I will edit this as and when needed.

Wedge Bricks
One Random Brick Pack
Pole Bricks
Extra Ramps
Inverted Corner


Pretty Things
Weather Emmiters

Building Helpers
Fill Can


Minigame Events

Basic Sniper of some kind
Advanced sniper (Military sniper?)
HE Grenade
RPG of some kind
If I can get a decent mortar of some kind it'd be cool.
Medic weapons of some kind

The mounted MG Vehicle

Those with links are currently enabled.

The Team

Zenloth - 4515 - ME!

I could do with help building and possibly eventing (scripting would make things a lot easier but I think I can manage most things with events).
Just give an example of your building style and ability and I'll get back to you =]

Any suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you for your time.

Help / Re: Blockland breaks my keyboard
« on: February 19, 2012, 05:35:48 PM »
I had like a usb receiver for a remote which I could just unplug.

General Discussion / Re: Kompressor Eats a Bedroom
« on: February 18, 2012, 10:53:15 PM »
Love it.

Help / Re: What...The forget
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:39:44 PM »
I think this can happen in a variety of situations. As was said before
Post a console.log

I would guess at first it is some kind of add-on issue. If you feel like trying a clean install to see if it still happens, go ahead.

Help / Re: Blockland breaks my keyboard
« on: February 16, 2012, 08:42:34 PM »
When I had this problem it was a physical device that I could simply unplug to sort the problem, if you have anything like an infra-red remote control for like media and stuff.... it might be that

Help / Re: Blockland breaks my keyboard
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:02:23 PM »
1 - Open your Start Menu and click on "Control Panel"
2 - (If needed, search for it in the bar at the bottom)
3 - Click on "Classic View" if it is not already selected
4 - Click on "Device Manager" after the list populates
5 - Find "Human Interface Devices" and click the plus sign
6 - Right-click on "Microsoft eHome Infared Transceiver"
7 - Select "Uninstall" - this is completely safe to do

This worked for me when I had this problem on my old PC.

Help / Re: Faild to do bzip2 compression
« on: February 14, 2012, 04:56:07 PM »
Nope. Too small.

If you'd actually look at the log, you'd see you're wrong.

Drama / Re: IcyGamma Impostor (ID: 18114)
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:44:20 PM »
I don't understand how or why Icy put their name as me.... I'm confused..... It may have been us messing around in a server a... long time ago...

Just using a relative superpower as an example, not as a coding template.
And if you'd read the rest of my post you'd understand that removing terrains and interiors will mean more updates that people have been asking for for a long time may be made. You think that minecraft is popular because they have not great graphics? No, it's the other features that they have and without the interior and terrain code cluttering blockland up, maybe we can have some of them or even better features.

Minecraft doesn't use interiors or terrains.

Saving will only save anything that you have ghosted, if you haven't ghosted a part of your build, it won't save.

The amount of this has been said is annoying; removing interiors and terrains is not only for the eye candy of shadows and shaders, they clutter the code of blockland tremendously and by removing them updates will be easier to produce and may happen more often.

And the whole "revolution" thing... No. Just no. If you look on the countless topics floating around the forums about this "v21", most of them have the same poll "are you for or against "v21"", and if you look at the result to that... the majority are for.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Player Subtitles
« on: February 11, 2012, 10:46:15 AM »
Why not have it as an event and then have an RTB pref as whether admin or not?

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