Author Topic: tranqulizer help  (Read 654 times)

ok i made a turret but i made it to shoot tranqulizer bullets at the bad guys right but when i tested it and it shot him he dident get stunned it just kept shooting him and nofing happend and when i use the wep on him it dosent work it only works with bots so is there a proplem with the script its in rtb archives just serch tranqul and it comes up u need to rename it wepon_tranqulizer u know what i mean can some one fix it

john freman fired wepon
Friendly Fire and Minigame settings

mayby it broke with v12 13 or 14 just idea

so put a mini game on then turn frenly fire off or on ill try that

What, no it works fine for me. Disable anything like the NewDeath script that tumbles you or /tumble stuff

add ons i have spawnhoming projectile and zapt and zombie mod will they do eny thing ps i have a server open deathriders free build so if u want u can come and look

my events

It will only work if Friendly Fire is on in both L4b and ZAPT menus in order to tumble.

so for it to work i need it in a mini game ok ill try that