Author Topic: Blockland Forums eh...  (Read 1772 times)

I've noticed that the Blockland forums hasn't been so flaming or spamming lately. It's improved allot since a few weeks ago.. odd very odd..

Also just on a off note my grammar and spelling has improved! Its allot better then it was about a week ago.

not really, no. you still suck a lot.

Hes gotten better, and so has this forum I've barely seen any bumped topics by new people, or anyone, no spam, and not much flaming :)

NOTE: My grammar's improved again, when I said "I've" i capitalized my "I", before it would look like this "i've" :P

It's all about growing up. :D
I think the forums may yet be saved!

you all suck.... theres a nice flame

not really....

Most of the "spammers" here know how handicapped they're being : P they just like to use BL forums as an...erm..."outlet" express themselves...Also, let's not forget that your identity is....flexible....on the interweb....coughkittyisephicough  >.> <.<

My "Outlet" would be the Dunny... Still the forums has improved a far bit.