Author Topic: Quick Question  (Read 1457 times)

Ya...I was banned for 3 days and it said something about pyramid crap...I would like to know what that was about?

I'm guessing because of....nvm

maybe you did one of those stupid spam pyramid quotes

maybe you did one of those stupid spam pyramid quotes
So does Darklight, he made it :O
« Last Edit: November 07, 2006, 12:34:39 PM by -=>RR<=-MasterCE »

Pyramid scam?


Haha. You wouldn't get banned on AoT for pyramid quotes, but you could be banned for a pyramid scam. What did you do, try and sell a get rich quick scroll or something?

Anyway, you will be unbanned in 3 days. So I wouldn't worry about it. But you did make my day, so cookie for you.

Now that I think of it, the guy selling a "free" copy of Windows Vista Beta never got banned.  Apparently people don't seem to realize that the beta is free, since I keep seeing posts about how awesome people seem to think they are for getting it, since no computer operating system would ever be released publicly for testing.

What's a pyramid scam? And i didnt get banned from Aot, i got banned from forums


  • Administrator
This was forum ban, not an AoT ban.

It was because you posted a link to one of those referral based "make real money for doing nothing" scams. 

Anything where you get paid if you sign up X number of other people is a pyramid scheme.  It is one of the oldest scams out there.  All of those free iPod/free flatscreen/free whatever referral plans were pyramid schemes.

Ooooh, ok...thanks for answerin
Note to self: Don't post referal links