Author Topic: Autodesk: Creative suite just got here!  (Read 1361 times)

comes with some artistic stuff

Autodesk: 3ds Max
Autodesk: Maya
Autodesk: Soft Image
Autodesk: MotionBuilder
Autodesk: Mudbox
BONUS stuff: Autodesk Sketchbook pro 2010


inb4doyouknowhowtousethatstuf f?

Nice, 3DS Max is some good stuff. I've never used any of those other programs, though I hear Mudbox is good. I could get educational licenses for some of them but my computer is already pretty maxed out with Inventor, AutoCAD, and Revit Architecture.

So do you have this Creative Suite?

How much does autodesk creative suit cost :/


So did you get this by a referral scheme too?

You can sign up for the education community and get free single-user educational licenses as long as you're in school.

I have that pack too for school. Its awesome.

I can get it for $360, or have my school pay for it all :D

When I clicked this I was like

"Something that facedesks you automatically?"

How much does autodesk creative suit cost :/

around 3,000. I got it at acedemic superstore. I can get stuff cheap as along as I am a student.

How much does autodesk creative suit cost :/
A creative suit will cost you around $5-10,000