Author Topic: Clan [EC]  (Read 1741 times)

Yep. i started a clan.
the [EC], which stands for [Eternal Champions].
we are allied with [IM], and accepting new members based on entry builds, or if i like you or not.
Member Roster
Leader Rank: PoopSkin
Elite members:
Affiliates: The [IM] clan.

And remember, people:
Push it to the limit!

By the way, suggestions are welcome!

*tries to figure out what constitutes an alliance in a lego sandbox game.

I have a suggestion:

plz dia

Dawt Dawt Dawt...

Can anyone stat a clann without being called a Noob?


No, because clans are useless and pointless.

I foresee this clans doom by flamming and disgrace.

...and that no-body takes clans seriously no more.