Author Topic: Buildable vehicles are possible.  (Read 3636 times)

Engine change  Blockland The game with Bad Meshing
« Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 03:05:17 PM by Robo Dude »

I heard that the new torque engine uses Havock physics. Could this be implemented into Blockland?

Where'd you hear that? And if this is to be true...

Wouldn't it be easier to start with the bricks having no collision? and the vehicle having an already set collision?

Wouldn't it be easier to start with the bricks having no collision? and the vehicle having an already set collision?
Then we could fly through walls?



It is definitely possible, but doing it right is hard.
If Badspot and yourself ever took the time to make them, and include seats that could be placed on the vehicle itself, Blockland would probably become 10^75x as awesome as it was before.

If Badspot and yourself ever took the time to make them, and include seats that could be placed on the vehicle itself, Blockland would probably become 10^75x as awesome as it was before.
BUT WHAT IS x?!?!?!

That wouldn't be a bad thing cause that would mean Blockland doesn't depreciate in awesomeness.

BUT WHAT IS x?!?!?!
by x, he means *

which is what i was thinking with
i was just thinking about this
a way to have things DL into the client while ingame and then send a check to the server saying that they have the files, which is a model which is a buildable vehicle?

I believe the best way, although not the most flexible, of creating "buildable" vehicles is to use the method that makes the current player model possible; hiding parts of the shape (nodes) based on user selection. This won't lead to truly open construction of mobile creations, but it would allow players to customize their vehicles with whatever parts the original creator decided to put in them. You assign different properties to certain configurations to make things more interesting (more powerful engines could mean a fast vehicle for instance).

To sum it, you wouldn't be placing individual bricks to "build" your vehicle, but would rather be choosing from a selection of existing designs. Not the most exciting kind of construction, but it would certainly be more efficient and less error-prone than trying to move various DTS shapes around in concert (remember the avatar items in V0002?).

needs engine changes trololol

that is one way of doing it, so instead of blocks, more like attatchments?