Author Topic: Jedd Broke The Server  (Read 1531 times)

It seems Jedd (also seems to be known as Rudyman) is breaking the server.  I'm not 100% sure.  But the server is broke and it's broke with him on.

  • Loading Disabled
  • Login Disabled
  • Commands Messed Up
  • Other stuff..

This is why I hate the internet, nobody deals with the cigarettes.

Oh, jedd is rudyman? Didn't know that :/

yes Rudyman broke the server by <ahem> spamming logout commands i was there and watched him do it also if you cant talk to npcs Jetz came up with this: type in console: clientcmdopendialog(); and then press e on the npc you want to talk to, be warned this wont work for the warden, that will be f**ked till Badspot refreshes the server the way to solve to login problem is to restart AoT completely nyway most of you probably know this so  :cookieMonster:

when wil be the next server breakage then? If its 24-day...

Rudyman is pissing me off >=D

Is it always exactly 24 days?

It's approximately 24 days server up-time that makes it happen.

We need an npc that tells us how long until the next one, as well as some onter fun-facts about the game(number of accounts total, number of meteor showers that have occured...)

When logged out /playtime tells you how long the server has been up.