Author Topic: Can collision objects be animated like regular mesh objects.  (Read 680 times)

I'm making a vehicle, that will have a no mount script so players can walk inside, and I was wondering if it was possible to add animations to the vehicle that moved collision meshes too?

I tried animating collisions with the forklift, but had no luck whatsoever. The collisions always stayed put.

I'm making a vehicle, that will have a no mount script so players can walk inside, and I was wondering if it was possible to add animations to the vehicle that moved collision meshes too?

Don't bother. Vehicles like that have been done many times before and they've always sucked because the only way to pull it off is a scheduled loop. I wouldn't waste your time with something I'd probably Fail Bin anyway for killing server performance.

Don't bother. Vehicles like that have been done many times before and they've always sucked because the only way to pull it off is a scheduled loop. I wouldn't waste your time with something I'd probably Fail Bin anyway for killing server performance.
Can't you just intercept onCollision?

No. You can't have animated collision meshes. Actually I can't think of any past-but-not-old game engines that even can. Even then the latest game engines usually just make multiple entities that move to simulate moving an animated collision model.

No, you can't do that in stock Torque. You'll have to write new engine collision code.

Can't you just intercept onCollision?

No. Try and see.

No. You can't have animated collision meshes.

You can, It should just never be done because it doesn't work all that great.

No. Try and see.

You can, It should just never be done because it doesn't work all that great.
Strange, whenever I've seen someone try the model ends up crashing. Must have to be a really crappy animations with a box or some low poly model to work.

Strange, whenever I've seen someone try the model ends up crashing. Must have to be a really crappy animations with a box or some low poly model to work.

UH-1 Iroquois heli-anims suck.
If it was timed properly, they would be a little better.

I don't know a whole lot about this stuff, but can you just place invisible collision meshes and have an animated mesh play where the collision meshes are?  Like, let's say you're making a propeller or something, but want it to collide.  You place a flat cylinder where the propeller spins, while you have a seperate mesh that plays the animation within the flat cyclinder.

That probably didn't help at all.