Author Topic: Mount name for brick weapon?  (Read 1011 times)


I need the mount name for the building tool.



Er, "mountPoint"?

Isn't that if your making a weapon? I'm talking about the name of the mount for the building tool on a playertype.

You mean the hand-node?

Btw, coding help

Btw, coding help
You mean the hand-node?
Nope, the horse holds the building tool in his mouth, yet he holds guns at his side. I want to know the name of the building tool mount. Anyone know?

Nope, the horse holds the building tool in his mouth, yet he holds guns at his side. I want to know the name of the building tool mount. Anyone know?
Isn't that because Baddy made a script to mount it to the mouth?

Isn't that because Baddy made a script to mount it to the mouth?
I'm not sure.

Isn't that because Baddy made a script to mount it to the mouth?

You can make a script that mounts it to the horses mouth when the player selects it and if the player is a horse player type

Then why can't my playertype build.....The building tool doesn't come out when I try to build while being it. I can actually still build, I just need to dupe a brick to get the ghost brick to appear. But that isn't how it should be. Maybe the script is preventing that or something?

The guy who made the wall-e playertype once had the same problem. Ask him how he solved it.

Edit: His name is Darkstar (forum-name)

I've got it, he told me..

"Add a mount3 bone to your playertype, and he'll hold the brick tool."

Thanks for posting guys.