Author Topic: My build got busted  (Read 387 times)

When I was building a build, then went far away to work on something far away, saved, quit blockland. When I came back and spawned,I spawned there, worked on the far away place, saved there, quit blockland.  When I came back again, the part I originally worked on was partly gone.
I have concluded that this was because it wasn't completely loaded when I saved it.  Can I get the rest of my build back?
I I can then how?

No, you can't get it back. Only the bricks that you have seen will save. So you need to visit every part of the build that is out of ghosting range to save it all. I also highly recommend backups.

Also, I need to use setPlayerTransform, but it isn't showing up on the list of usable events ingame
what am I doin wrong

Is it enabled? Also, only bricks that have been ghosted can be saved.

I get the ghosted thing and yes it's enabled
and when I try to redownload it from blockland I can't, but from RTB I can