Author Topic: Loading a server-sided save onto a dedicated server  (Read 2707 times)

I'm not quite clear on how this works, but if I were to deactivate the package, any package that affects the same functions gets deactivated too.   ...or something like that.

If something comes along after me and plops its package on top of mine, and then mine deactivates itself, I've deactivated them both.

In short:
Blockland > Someone else > Me > Someone else 2
I deactivate Me
"Me" > Someone else 2 are both taken off
Blockland > Someone else

Also, it didn't work anyway, the group still wasn't there. >:/

Try this:
Code: [Select]
$mapVers = "4.2b2";
package onJoin
function GameConnection::AutoAdminCheck(%client)
serverDirectSaveFileLoad("Saves/Slate/Lava Trench Wars "@$mapVers@".bls", 3, "", 0, 1);

You have to return AutoAdminCheck, I learned that the hard way, when everyone was glitching on my server and getting fake auto admin.

I'm not quite clear on how this works, but if I were to deactivate the package, any package that affects the same functions gets deactivated too.   ...or something like that.
I've never had this problem. In fact I made several packages of the same function just for the purpose of testing, and it worked fine.

You have to return AutoAdminCheck, I learned that the hard way, when everyone was glitching on my server and getting fake auto admin.
I've made several add-ons parenting AutoAdminCheck and have never had this problem either.

I've never had this problem. In fact I made several packages of the same function just for the purpose of testing, and it worked fine.
I've made several add-ons parenting AutoAdminCheck and have never had this problem either.
I got it from a Torque guide, so it may or may not be accurate.

I happen to know this is a fact, because the fake auto admin glitch was happening until I add the seven characters "return " to the beginning of calling the parent.

Torque sucks at a lot of things, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true with the default code, but Badspot probably fixed it since packages are a huge importance in add-ons now.

I still don't understand how it worked fine for me but not you.

To answer your topic's question, there is the preexisting DediLoader add-on - It won't load it automatically like it seems your trying to do. but you could easily modify it.

It pretty much uses my method except that it sets the temporary upload file to a save file location and then says it has finished uploading a save (to trigger the load) I think.

Bump- I'm curious now, is it possible to create a brickgroup? If so, how do you do it?

I think that a brickgroup is just a simgroup within a specific simgroup with certain data defined such as the owning client.

To find out yourself: tree(); and look for the brickgroup group.

I'm having trouble creating the brickgroup. Are there any other methods of loading save files?