Author Topic: Most known crap add-ons  (Read 3734 times)

L4D Weapon pack
Creator: Rykuta
Somewhat the worst weapon pack ever, along with gikon's. This has stolen script scraps from Tier Tactical (made by bushido), the models are somewhat good but the thing is terrible, yndaaa (i think) took part in this.
What it looks like: alot of good models treated like stuff (rykuta ruined yndaaa's good name)

Gikon's Weapon Pack
Creator: Gikon
Somewhat the worst weapon pack ever, the models are terribly made and the script even tops it.
I recommend deleting it from your server if you have your hands on it. These look like they took 3 minutes.
What it looks like: terribly made models and scripts.

Autogreet Script
Creator: Xalos(?)
Known Use by: Ravencroft
Horrible script, even worse is it's client-sided. Everyone bans for it. Ravencroft is known alot for using this.
What it is: A script that when somebody joins, the person having it will automaticly say "Hello,<name>" or Hi,<name>"
i disagree, these are not crapons, gikon's weapons are decent but have a bit much for brick damage but have a decent concept, rykuta weapon pack thing isn't a crapon, although it does have terrible models that don't fit in with BL, and the autogreet is not a crapon, just annoying

It saves me time, I've accually noticed a little more time for doing things when i started using it.
Its very usefull.
try keybinding a greeting?

you forgot Death Ion Canonn
I have it, It launches 3 ion bombs and has a short charging time. Its Crap.

The mini nuke is ok, It just overwrites the rocket launcher radius and is a bit over powered, If you maket the reload time longer, and fix the above text, it would be a decent weapon
A BIT??!!

This is my list of known crap-ons/stolen/poorly made
Creator: Bushido
This being made around 2009/2008, it's a very well known crap-on, somewhat over 10 protest/question/request threads about it have been made, when i first joined, mini-nuke was popular but yet now it's just a pile of stuff.
It fires a really big projectille, the size of probalay 25 rockets together. So it is banned, fail binned, crap-on'd and stuff.
Even bushido himself says he regrets it.
What it looks like: A huge green model that spurts out somewhat like 25 rockets together.

Creator: MuffinMix or maximus(?)
Even worse then the mini-nuke, this baby is around 4 times the size as the mininuke's projectille, model and stuff.
I recommend if you have it, delete it. It is known as  diffrent types (death, ect.), It horribly crashes the server with more then 2 at once and gives around a good 10 seconds lag from one person.
What it looks like: a huge brown-stuffty ass model that is somewhat 3 times the size of the mini-nuke.

L4D Weapon pack
Creator: Rykuta
Somewhat the worst weapon pack ever, along with gikon's. This has stolen script scraps from Tier Tactical (made by bushido), the models are somewhat good but the thing is terrible, yndaaa (i think) took part in this.
What it looks like: alot of good models treated like stuff (rykuta ruined yndaaa's good name*)

Gikon's Weapon Pack
Creator: Gikon
Somewhat the worst weapon pack ever, the models are terribly made and the script even tops it.
I recommend deleting it from your server if you have your hands on it. These look like they took 3 minutes.
What it looks like: terribly made models and scripts.

Autogreet Script
Creator: Xalos(?)
Known Use by: Ravencroft
Horrible script, even worse is it's client-sided. Everyone bans for it. Ravencroft is known alot for using this.
What it is: A script that when somebody joins, the person having it will automaticly say "Hello,<name>" or Hi,<name>"

Creator: Anybody
Originated from a private website, it has been leaked and lots of people have reposted it, it gives outrageous console spams and leaves a .dts shape after deleting.**
What it looks like: Household props, etc.
opinions, opinions everywhere

*i did not know if yndaa until this pack. therefore what good name are you talking about.
**neither of these happened to me. I'm not sure if you did it wrong or something, but i don't find this to be a crap add-on.

also mininuke was made in late 2009. i remember the testing server... god that was fun as stuff

Ion cannon overwrites the sound the gun's bullet makes when it hits something. rather then a (snap!), it makes a (BZZZZT!)

I have it, It launches 3 ion bombs and has a short charging time. Its Crap.
actually its five.

Why does everyone hate props? They are just bricks with a DTS model in them. They don't leave a dts file behind for me when I delete them.
And you could say JVS is a prop, it is a DTS model in a brick. No one hates those.

Some Props were quite useful.
Let me see YOU build a fork of 1x1's. Yeah.
Most of them were bad though.

Also, The Ion Cannon was the best add-on ever in funditude levels.

If I get the chance, should I/Someone else Modify the script so it's "better"?

It saves me time, I've accually noticed a little more time for doing things when i started using it.
Its very usefull.
hahahah oh wow.
It's client-sided.

L4D Weapon pack
Creator: Rykuta
Somewhat the worst weapon pack ever, along with gikon's. This has stolen script scraps from Tier Tactical (made by bushido), the models are somewhat good but the thing is terrible, yndaaa (i think) took part in this.
What it looks like: alot of good models treated like stuff (rykuta ruined yndaaa's good name)

Gikon's Weapon Pack
Creator: Gikon
Somewhat the worst weapon pack ever, the models are terribly made and the script even tops it.
I recommend deleting it from your server if you have your hands on it. These look like they took 3 minutes.
What it looks like: terribly made models and scripts.

Autogreet Script
Creator: Xalos(?)
Known Use by: Ravencroft
Horrible script, even worse is it's client-sided. Everyone bans for it. Ravencroft is known alot for using this.
What it is: A script that when somebody joins, the person having it will automaticly say "Hello,<name>" or Hi,<name>"
i disagree, these are not crapons, gikon's weapons are decent but have a bit much for brick damage but have a decent concept, rykuta weapon pack thing isn't a crapon, although it does have terrible models that don't fit in with BL, and the autogreet is not a crapon, just annoying

It saves me time, I've accually noticed a little more time for doing things when i started using it.
Its very usefull.
try keybinding a greeting?

Correct term: crap-ons.
Also I love Rytuka's L4D2 weaponset.

I can't fight with the L4D Wep pack.  It is a very long reload time, and a very small clip.  Bad combo.