Author Topic: Difference in retail and demo?  (Read 4950 times)


  • Administrator
Yes, the 150 brick limit is quite low.  It's a demo.  Buy the full version if you want more.

The demo version can join LAN games but it cannot host them.  The idea being that if you go to a LAN party you can bring your unlocked version of Blockland and have everyone else connect to you using the demo.  No need to give your key to strangers. 
Because we all have strangers living in our house playing on our networks...

Yes, the 150 brick limit is quite low.  It's a demo.  Buy the full version if you want more.

The demo version can join LAN games but it cannot host them.  The idea being that if you go to a LAN party you can bring your unlocked version of Blockland and have everyone else connect to you using the demo.  No need to give your key to strangers. 
Because we all have strangers living in our house playing on our networks...
Not in my house, But nextdoor. They connect to my wlan and we play trackmania united. :|

Get Wireless Security, my Friends friend uses his neighbor's net all the time.

lol@stealin intarwebz

Shh... Badspot might fix it, that would make some serious Hamachi'ers

He enabled lan play, but disabled it from using Hamachi.

I would love to play Blockland with the OAPs living next door :D