HDA's USSR Application

Author Topic: HDA's USSR Application  (Read 6113 times)

Ladios, your high post count doesn't mean people like or respect you.

why is everyone talking about my post count, im not trying to get 10k
i jsut know its inevitable that it will happen eventually, and thusly i am gonna celebrate when it does happen as it will be a milestone
as for the spamming part, i have been trying to cut back on the short, storeclerk ish answers and i daresay i am much better at posting relevant things as of late

and as for my opinion about the build, it is my own opinoin. im entitled to it, jsut as ussr is entitled to accept you on this build and i am not saying anything besides that i question why they chose this build to accept you on, it is just a question, that if it were explained i would be satisfied
facechild justifys his reason and thusly i am now satisfied

and on to face's comment again, i was not speaking for you, i was merely asking for clarification
and for the i wont get in thing
i know that
i remember i almost got in as 3lockhead until i got pissed off one day and was kicked outta the server, my identity shortly revealed to be myself
i know that attitude is very important to getting into ussr

the following statement is not ment to be offensive and thusly i will put it in smaller print so those who wish may ignore it easily
one of the primary reasons fr my not applying to join the USSR clan is the idea that i must act sophisticated in a game about building with legos
again i am not trying to be offensive
partly why i like online games is they let me expand my personality in a way that i can "test" to see what it is like. thusly i have been relativly 500 times less anoying in everyday life to people :P
the fact that joining ussr would require me to give up part of my being just isnt worth it. i put my dignity infront of my pride so to speak
the two other reasons i dont apply is i know it will always be rejected
the other reason is that i have yet to finish a single build...

and to flyguy
1 i can
2 i wont
3 i dont
spam is posting somthing useless which i have tried hard to do
the fact that i have alot to say in certain circumstances doesnt mean i am spamming

thank you,

p.s. If you wish to ban me for voicing my opinion please do so as i would not like to be on servers who are run by an oppresive lego-jock.
my id is 232
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 11:45:17 PM by ladios »

Edited, no need for this anymore.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 12:15:52 AM by HiDefAmp »

k, i edited the post for comprehension
anyways, why did you choose to make the one part of the roof white?
it looks like a giant pill landed on the castle :P

I believe you speak of this area.

Initially the entire roof was white however, since the roof collides with the tower, from the inside of the tower it looked as if random bricks were painted white so I changed it so that the area of the roof near the tower was gray and the rest was white.  Initially, the reason the roof was white was the ascending color from the floor to the roof.  Dark gray --> light gray --> white.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 06:51:46 PM by HiDefAmp »

Whoa, I can definitely see how this got you into USSR nice work.

I officially accept this application as well.