Author Topic: [USSR] Building for Satan!  (Read 3722 times)

Mocheeze wins.

I'll be happy to see how this build turns out.

ussr is ucc right or am all confused on the 2?

USSR is known as USSR and nothing else.
BTW: almost finished. Just need to fill the attic with interiors.

XD church of Satan, Good word!

I hope it stops snowing D:

Religion is a touchy subject, and people might take it the wrong way. Stay mature and don't take things seriously guys.

meh i wont make any comments on my opinion on Religion for risk of being attacked and chased out of BL forums while a religious horde Screams, "kill the Heretic!"  and later fights with itself over who's religion is better.

The Church of Block declares a holy crusade against the Church of Satan!

Unfortunately, the only members are (a) Wedge, the High Priest, (b) Mocheeze, the sacrifice and (c) the horse, who is also a sacrifice.

Beta testers know what I'm talking about. :D
I can't do any more work on it until I get Retail.

Ill join  :cookieMonster:

I demand a section in the front of the congregation for Atheists. Afterall, most Christians think we worship Satan anyway. >:)


Preach it, Comrade!

Most Christians think Atheists don't believe in anything.

I believe in fate, In my opinion everything happens for a reason but i don't think there is a god

Back on topic: This church of Satan IMO is nothing more than a joke, people worship the devil etc because it's humorous.

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You just laughed at your own unfunny joke... in the same goddamn post.
Plz Dia.