Author Topic: Starting Blockland  (Read 1836 times)

I need some help here... I run blockland.exe and 2 things come up. One of em I dont see and the other, if i click it, the window pops up. The window is black with all this writing and it'll move aorund for awhile and stop at a point.

It says like keyboard0 input device created
Mouse0 input device created..yaddayadda

What am I supposed to do? I wanna paly this game cuz i like to build things and am planning to be an architect in life xD Any help is appreciated. :cookie:

Well, it takes time to load up, just be patient

Do you know anything about computers.......
That little black box is CMD, the core program of doing anything on your computer........
And then the actual Blockland window has to load up.....

What is your screen size? I was building a PC yesterday, started it up after doing everything I needed to do, installed BlockLand Retail, started the game, one the command window showed, but the other one wouldn't, but it would show as game started.

Issue way, I had screen resolution 800x600, the game, by default, opens bigger and windowed (not full screen), so it wouldn't display, I had to increase to screen resolution to go into option in the game, and reduce the size of the window of the game.

Hope that helps.

Do you know anything about computers.......
That little black box is CMD, the core program of doing anything on your computer........
And then the actual Blockland window has to load up.....
Don't be a richard. He was asking for help, not insults THEN help.

I need some help here... I run blockland.exe and 2 things come up. One of em I dont see and the other, if i click it, the window pops up. The window is black with all this writing and it'll move aorund for awhile and stop at a point.

It says like keyboard0 input device created
Mouse0 input device created..yaddayadda

What am I supposed to do? I wanna paly this game cuz i like to build things and am planning to be an architect in life xD Any help is appreciated. :cookie:

I had the same problem, both with old 0002 and this new one. Try pressing alt+enter to make it fullscreen :D