Author Topic: My Dm XD (WIP)  (Read 2270 times)

Sucks, put on some decent roofs and it will be a 2/10.

add a few truck vehicles (at the most add 3) for variety, also try to add things that can be used for cover (bunkers, broken down buildings, ect), also like everyone said add stuff in the interior. and please, PLEASE stop using 1x1x5's.

other than this the map looks ok for a W.I.P .

add tanks and stuff other wise good job! :cookie:

It's kind of a bad sign that XD is in the topic title, it's like your laughing at your own creation, or chucklying as your typing the first post as if your embaresed to post it as your own.

It's kind of a bad sign that XD is in the topic title, it's like your laughing at your own creation, or chucklying as your typing the first post as if your embaresed to post it as your own.

i actualy think this build would be kinda "entertaining" to play in *cough eventhoughituses1x1x5s cough* heres some suggestion's     

1: make some type of vehicle(s)
2:add some crates that you can crawl into
3: make some broken suports,walls etc.

EDIT: nvm i looked at it
« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 11:59:53 AM by brickman28 »

Plz dont say "you spamed with 1x1x5s..."
Ok i wont. You over spamed them!!! Wow...boxy & boring too. Sorry but its a 1/10 at the most...

It looks just like this game I have. I forgot what its called.

It's very spammy and boxy.