Author Topic: I HATE WASPS  (Read 7243 times)

 They keep insect population under control.

I'm sure that the sudden extinction of all wasps on the planet would have seriously significant impacts on plant pollination and therefore plant dispersal.
I'm probably wrong, so please tell me why.
forget that stuff I still hate them


don't see many of the yellow striped wasps here just the brownish black ones

forget that stuff I still hate them
They probably don't hate you, perhaps not having that level of comparable emotion.

There was like 30 of them so I ran
(they were buzzing round a bin)
.. o.o Woah.. Why the hell did you go there anyways? Ye' should've just let you're parents do it. :\
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 07:58:12 PM by Decepticon »


I don't like em near my pool or next to my video games.

how do they get near your video games

I don't think wasps die after they sting you, that's bees.

Also this is a queen wasp

So be thankful you usually only see male ones.
What the forget is that

They keep insect population under control.
Have the spiders do it.

I lived on a mountain when I was 7

"Mom, theres a brown recluse in my bed!"
"Mom, theres an unidentifyable bug attached to the door!"
"Mom, theres big ass snakes everywhere!"
"Mom, theres black widows in my shoes!"

I came out of that house a man

Now 5 years later I'm afraid of sugar ants again

I found a dead bee in class once and started poking it's back end with a crayon. If you don't touch the striped part, a dead bee won't sting you.

The forget. If you touch any part of a dead bee it won't sting you.

unless you jab its stinger onto your hand or something stupid like that