Author Topic: Bold Black Bricks appear solid black  (Read 1000 times)

I just got a new moniter, and it's starting to piss me off.

When I paint a brick with bold black, everything is solid black. No bumps, no lines between bold black bricks, nothing. Just solid black.

I've tried adjusting my moniter and video cards settings, nothing has worked so far.

Any ideas?

Hmm, cant edit main post?

Anyways, I forgot to add that if I look through something transparent, like the color select gui, I can see bumps slightly

Can you see it in the image you posted?

(If you can, it's video settings, if you can't, it's Blockland)

You'll need to boost contrast and perhaps brightness.

Btw, I can see the bumps in the image you posted just fine.

Setting brightness to max does nothing but make it look like stuff

Damn, no edit button. I forgot to say my contrast was already at max.


  • Administrator
The bumps are visible in the screenshot you posted.  Get a new monitor or adjust the gamma setting in your video card's control panel.

I had this problem and I fixed it using this nifty tool..