Author Topic: My USSR App!!!  (Read 3627 times)

ok in blockland my name is soulstealer as you might know. this is a build that took me about three days overall to build. i have gone onto the official USSR server and got some inspiration there and added it to my build. i hope you like rate 1 to 10

post more pictures....

3 days.....
im sorry but this needs alot more work...

and more

srry a have a verrrrrrrry slow internet i have dsl at my other house just be patient plz

heres the very last one srry i cant get a picture of the front but the picture is too big

if you want a better look at it im on my server called House Building No Mods!!!

seriously thats like an hours work :/

well its more spread over three days on and off heres the pic of the front

i think when i get back to my other house i will modify a build that already was a hit into a app after some work oh well i still want entrepreneur in, facechilds, or diggys opinion though as i said you can come on my server in a bit and look more closely at it

Can I rate?

I'd say that all flat roofs are an architectural flaw in any building, as it makes buildins that could last 80-100 years last 20-25. The windows could be a little more detailed as well but they are pretty neat as they are.

I'm not going to rate this, I'm just going to say it needs a lot of work and some more originality before it can be considered USSR material.

It look very cool

Good luck with ussr

Im going to start mine soon, I swear... that line sounds familiar... did I say that last month?

hmmm, looks plain, at least put a roof