Author Topic: Saving up for a self-built computer.  (Read 339 times)

So, since summer is nearing by, and I have a job working for my dad with his contracting stuff, I am going to save up some monies. Preferrably around $750-$850.
It will also be the first time I build a computer. And if I can save up this much money, my parents will buy a monitor for it because of my hard work.

So, I was wondering what the best things I can afford with said budget.
I want to have this all planned out before the beginning of the next school year, so I don't panic near the end and have all the parts by November.

I am going to have it sit right beside this lovey beast, and I'm going to fix up my desk to fit 2 monitors.

So all you computer nerds, can you find me a good amount of stuff, preferrably better than what I have in my previous machine, within my budget. I mainly ask because I know nothing this stuff.

no but i can tell you something


no but i can tell you something

Meh, my dad is too much of a redneck to use normal screwdrivers.

build it out of a tv and a type writer.

build it out of a tv and a type writer.
Don't forget the potato battery.

Don't forget the potato battery.
no, have a mouse running on a wheel as a power source.

no, have a mouse running on a wheel as a power source.
That's better.