Author Topic: Coolio Horse Ray Effect.  (Read 689 times)

Screwing around with events and projectiles, I ended up doing this. I found this cool because... well... it seems like it's a "living energy core" in a way.

Could you post how to make that? Because it would go really well in a build i'm doing.

I could do without the sounds.

I could do without the sounds.
Was using the sound to test stuff. Didn't feel like removing it and having to add music and stuff so I just left it.

It's concealed, how can it be possible!

Could you post how to make that? Because it would go really well in a build i'm doing.
Have a brick spawn the projectiles, how ever many is up to you.
Each brick should have 3-5 of these events...
onProjectileHit > Projectile > Bounce [2.0]