Author Topic: Stunstick tumble.  (Read 1633 times)

It's the <pre></pre>. Doesn't have wrapping. It's doing a major, massive, annoying pagestretch.
It doesn't even use a pre tag. It has text wrapping. Your browser sucks.

So, whiteout for 3 milliseconds and tumble for 3 seconds?

I assume this:
Code: [Select]
(%time / 1000)
Is a math operation in which the resulting value would be 3 milliseconds.
whiteOut doesn't take time, does it? It takes amount, doesn't it?

I don't know, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

It doesn't even use a pre tag. It has text wrapping. Your browser sucks.

There's <pre></pre> tags in the Code section. Check.

<hr width="100%" size="1" class="hrcolor" />
<div class="post">I just need to know why this doesn&#039;t work. I can&#039;t figure it out. then again, I dunno what I&#039;m doing either, so I&#039;ma hoping to learn something as a result of this too. My part is the part commented out.<br /><br /><div class="codeheader">Code:</div><div class="code">package stunstick<br />{<br />function stunstickProjectile::OnCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal)<br />{<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>if(%col.getClassName() $= &quot;Player&quot; || %col.getClassName() $= &quot;AIPlayer&quot;)<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>{<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>%col.setWhiteOut(1);<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>}<br />parent::Oncollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal);<br />}<br />/*<br />function stunstickProjectile::OnCollision(%this, %int)<br />{<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>if(%col.getClassName() $= &quot;Player&quot; || %col.getClassName() $= &quot;AIPlayer&quot;)<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>{<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>tumble(%this,%int);<br /><span style="white-space: pre;">   </span>}<br />parent::Oncollision(%this, %int);<br />}<br />*/<br />};<br />ActivatePackage(stunstick);<br /></div></div>
no <pre> or </pre> though  :cookieMonster:

Tell me what the hell would cause that to happen, then. I'm serious, I don't get it.

off Topic: But you should update your firefox to beta 4. it has a slim look to it :))

Anyhow, back to the code at hand, shall we?

Am i correct that the function tumble was removed?
(To prevent abuse or something)
Because i remember such a thing to be said sometime..

off Topic: But you should update your firefox to beta 4. it has a slim look to it :))

It says it'd break some important Add-On I forgot when I tried. And anyway, that's not my problem...

Do not use this, please!

Use this instead:

That way, it will automatically do minigame checks etc.

Butler, it might help if you just post the whole code or the file. It's hard to help you with just little snippets of code.