Author Topic: Carry accessories  (Read 2048 times)

Sry, dont know if this was posted way back when somewhere, but id be awesome and relatively simple if Badspot or someone could make very nice quality, yet blocko style still, accessories such as a briefcase, rolled newspaper, money bill, phone, calculator, or maybe even something like a block head that you could hold in your left hand or something. Also, itd be nice if Badspot could, or if someone could hack and, release some new hats and/or packs. Personally, id love to see a cowboy hat, or maybe a tophat, or anything, even Frankenstein bolts in the neck. New accessories for the player would be awesome, and i know that Badspot is pretty much the only person who can do that well. or if not, im sure someone else could prove me wrong. Itd keep things away from the DM, and still be genuine. Also, just another, maybe add a couple of new window bricks. Similar to the castle window, make some cool holed windows or something.