Author Topic: Hat Problem  (Read 1245 times)

I'm trying to make a hat using SimpleWell hatmod, I have made the model, And tried my best to do the rest, But 100% NO Luck, When i type /Hat 1 ingame, I crash.
Could someone please help me, I am willing to upload my folder with all the thing's inside if someone could fix it for me.

Read the attached.

Read the attached.
I done what it says, But still crash.

Ok so do this:
1: Make your add-on folder
2: Make a folder inside it called SHAPES
3: Put YourHat.cs inside the SHAPES folder
4: Put this inside the YourHat.cs
Code: [Select]

datablock ShapeBaseImageData(YourhatImage)
shapeFile = "./SHAPES/Yourhat.dts";
emap = true;
mountPoint = $HeadSlot;
offset = "0 0.02 0.3";
eyeOffset = "0 0 0.4";
rotation = eulerToMatrix("0 0 0");
scale = "0.1 0.1 0.1";
doColorShift = false;
colorShiftColor = "0.392 0.196 0.0 1.000";
5: Put your .dts model into the SHAPES folder
6: Put the namecheck.txt and description.txt in the regular folder
7: replace Yourhat with your hats name
8: ???
9: profit

Any help? Or could i send it to someone to investigate what's wrong.