Author Topic: Things FrozenEye Likes  (Read 475 times)

1. I like Video Games. In my opinion they Were the best invention man has evar created, and without them, all us nerds would probably go mad.

2. Waffles. I like waffles because I like the taste, you may think it's plain but I think it's great! My favorite type of waffle is belgin waffles.

3. I like the sun. Without the sun we would be living on a lightless Earth, which would be Very dark. I like the dark to, dark areas are calming.

4. I like England. I think England is cool because they have cool accents. I also like England because my girlfriend doesn't.

ugh, this better not become another handicapped fad.

I'm burning everything if this becomes a fad.

ugh, this better not become another handicapped fad.
It begins.

Ugh, I hate people who copy people and don't credit them.

Things SeventhSandwich likes:

1. Caffeinated beverages - Sleeping is redundant. I choose not too.

2. Technological achievements - They make me feel like I'm somehow benefiting humanity by being alive.

3. Poisonous snakes - It makes nation geographic bearable.

OP is a forgetface for trying to start a fad

OP is a forget face for not knowing that there are multiple types Belgian waffles.

OP is a forgetface for having two topics (one is indirect, other direct) about england.

I'm a forgetface because I was born.