Author Topic: My Art (Wolf and a moon.)  (Read 958 times)

I just made a picture of a wolf and a moon behind him in MS Paint.

Feedback would be nice.

Pretty good for MS paint.


Head is proportioned in an odd way. (Too small for body)

Very good. There are leftovers of erase marks in certain areas, unless that's your style of outline.

It's not great, but it's not horrible.

I like how you did shading. Makes it more realistic.

Good job imo.

to be honest he seems like he's about to fall backwards onto his ass but other than that it's good.

Looks more like a pony.

Looks more like a pony.
Thats what i thought for a second.

Head is proportioned in an odd way. (Too small for body)

No its not? It looks fine IMO, Its since the head is turned it looks like that.

Very good. There are leftovers of erase marks in certain areas, unless that's your style of outline.

I like that :o

The muzzle isn't long enough.
It looks more like a cat to me.
That and what Camera said.
Other than that, it's pretty neat.
Especially when taken into consideration that you used MSPaint.