Author Topic: Turret/On-board weaponry.  (Read 4998 times)

Why not just make a brick that creates a turret of a certain class? It could be like the car spawn, only more "turretish", and when you wrench it you can select from a list of different turrets. Then you could have the Blockguy sitting down in a seat and when you turn the turret it pivots on the base or sometihng. Sorta like the AA turrets in BF2 or the EMP turrets in BF 2142.


  • Guest
Yeah. But I was assuming people were talking about tiny machine gun turrets.

Now that I think about it, turrets should have a space cleared around them to keep them from getting hit by their own splash damage.

If you shoot an exploding shell into a wall right next to you that is your own fault.

maybe a bot in the shape of a turret mounted onto where the turrets should be.

how about a little plate you can sit on and then draw a weapon you have and shoot it!

even better, just STAND AND SHOOT.

why not get a buddy and make him shoot?

why not get a buddy and make him shoot?
That's no fun.  :cookieMonster:

even better, just STAND AND SHOOT.

Well that sure would be creative! (idiot)

what about a turret for tower wars like on roblox? someone can hope into a turret and fire at the other tower.


  • Guest
what about a turret for tower wars like on roblox? someone can hope into a turret and fire at the other tower.

Well, maybe this isn't Roblox...

That was an off-topic post too.