Author Topic: Tutorial - Make Blockland run better.  (Read 1979 times)

Most of us face Lower Disk Space problem many times. Windows notifies us about the lower disk space and we are forced to delete some useless files or to resize the partition to get some free space.

Following are some ways to get lots of free space:

1) First thing is to use windows built-in "Disk Cleanup" application. You can right-click on a drive in My Computer and select "Properties" now click on "Disk Cleanup" button. Now select all given options, like "Downloaded Program Files", "Temporary Internet Files", "Compress old files", etc. Believe me you can get more than 1GB FREE space after using Disk Cleanup coz once I got approx. 1.5GB more FREE space after running Disk Cleanup
Alternatively you can run "Disk Cleanup" directly from RUN dialog box by giving "cleanmgr.exe" command.

2) Now open Windows Search and copy paste following code in Search box and perform a search:

Code: [Select]
All above mentioned files are usually useless and you'll get 100s of files after searching, simply select all and press <SHIFT> + <Del>

3) You can also disable WFP (Windows File Protection) service using WFP Patcher. This service runs in background and checks for system files' status, and whenever it finds a system file has been changed/modified, it replaces the file with the original file stored in "DLLcache" folder. So we can disable this service and can get lots of FREE space.
After disabling the service, open "%windir%\System32\DLLCache" folder (it'll be HIDDEN & System Folder, so copy paste the path in address bar and press <ENTER>). Now you can safely delete all files present in this folder It'll make aprrox. 1GB FREE space
I always disable this service coz it always irritates me while hacking system files in my lovely Resource Hacker.

4) Open "System Properties" by right-click on "My Computer" icon on Desktop and select "Properties", now goto "System Restore" tab and select "Turn Off System Restore on all drives" option and apply it. Don’t use this trick if u use System Restore

5) You can delete several BMP files in %windir% (Windows) folder, which r used as wallpapers in Desktop Properties. You can also delete all files in %windir%\Web\Wallpaper folder, all files in this folder are also used as wallpapers.

6) You can also empty TEMP (just type "TEMP" in RUN dialog box), Prefetch (in %windir% folder) folders to get free space.

7) Disable Hibernation from "Power Settings" (powercfg.cpl), if u don't use this feature.

8) You can also delete all video files present in %windir%\system32\oobe\images folder, these files are used when windows runs for the first time after installation

9) Empty Temporary Internet files of ur browser to get some free space.

You can apply all above mention methods to get lots of FREE space ( GB's ) without any problem, all these methods have been checked by me many times and I always use them after a fresh installation of my windows.

You can also use 3rd party Utilities, like Tuneup Utility and System Mechanic for even more.

the benefits of free space?
1. Faster processing. (Games, downloading, streaming vids, etc )
2. More space for your junk
3. Faster booting time


First post, I'm not reading all that, but readme.txt is needed in it's place sometimes...

This is all about getting more free space, which doesn't help BL run faster unless your disk is highly fragmented - in which case, you should mention de-fragging at some point.  :cookieMonster:

Also this has nothing to do with BL in general, and though hard disk management can improve loading times, it doesn't help BL run more frames in huge builds, which seems to be the most common complaint from low-end users.

These things can help BL run faster in-game:
  • Disable Vsync
  • Lower resolution
  • Lower Bit Depth
  • Lower Texture/Particle/Shadow quality
  • Lower light quality / no dynamic lights
  • turn off all the sounds you can in the audio menu, this might have some effect when playing back huge macros
  • Turn off/minimum all advanced graphics options in the advanced tab / turn down the particles
  • CTRL-ALT-DEL your task manager up and end all Processes that you won't be needing while you play (almost everything not used by "SYSTEM", "LOCAL SERVICE", or "NETWORK SERVICE")
  • When possible, play on servers with lower bricks counts
  • If you're on crappy dialup and get a lot of lag, choose servers with fewer maximum players

 :cookieMonster: K so that's some other stuff to try.

edit: you'll notice that most of this stuff is just opening your options and turning down all the graphics - yes, it's that easy!  :cookieMonster:

Exactly what he said, your really not making Blockland run better, just cleaning you PC.